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Mac OS


1. mac中idl6.3 curso函数不能使用问题解决!

Using the Cursor Command on a Macintosh
QUESTION: I'm having trouble getting the Cursor command to work on my Macintosh
computer (OSX, 10.4). When I issue the command and click in my graphics window, it
seems like the program is waiting forever for me to click. Does anyone know how to fix

ANSWER: Ken Mankoff provides the answer to this question. In a terminal window, type
the following command, then restart your X11 server:

  defaults write wm_click_through -bool true
That should fix things up!
Chenglong Shen
Posted at 2006-12-26 22:28 CST
Last modified at 2007-06-17 21:29 CST
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2. Re: mac中idl6.3 curso函数不能使用问题解决!
The same problem and solution at idl 7.0 and MAC OS X 10.5.

Quote: the Cursor Command on a MacintoshQUESTION: I'm having trouble getting the Cursor command to work on my Macintosh computer (OSX, 10.4). When I issue the command and click in my graphics window, it seems like the program is waiting forever for me to click. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Chenglong Shen
Posted at 2008-01-31 16:30 CST
Last modified at 2008-01-31 16:30 CST
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