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1. For Li-Jen

[1] chi et al. - 2016 - statistical study of the interplanetary coronal mass ejections from 1995 to 2015.pdf (6.14 MB), [2] shen et al. - 2008 - enhancement of solar energetic particles during a shock ¨c magnetic cloud interacting complex structure.pdf (509.92 KB), [3] shen et al. - 2017 - statistical comparison of the icme's geoeffectiveness of different types and different solar phases from 1995 to 20.pdf (5.75 MB), [4] shen et al. - 2018 - why the shock-icme complex structure is important learning from the early 2007 september cmes.pdf (17.81 MB)
Chenglong Shen
Posted at 2019-01-13 09:31 CST
Last modified at 2019-01-13 09:32 CST
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