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Curriculum Vitae
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 Yuming WANG
Present Position
 - Professor, Dean, School of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
- Executive Deputy Director, Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
- Director, Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Mailing Address
 School of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Science and Technology of China
96 Jinzhai RD, Hefei 230026
P. R. China
Teaching Experience
 Spring 2009-PresentMHD (for undergraduate students)
 Summer 2011-2013Introduction to Earth System ---- Solar-terrestrial Physics and Space Weather
 Fall 2006-2011Space Physics II (for graduate students)
 Spring 2005Advances in Space Physics (for undergraduate students)
Professional Membership
 2021-2025Member of the 8th Science and Technology Committee of Ministry of Education
 2020-2022Member of the Geophysics Review Group of the 8th Academic Degree Committee of the State Council
 2017-2019Steering Committee Member of the Division of Earth Sciences of NSFC
 2017-2019Committee Member of the Excellence in Earth and Space Science Education Award (EESSEA) of AGU
 2014-2019Editor of JGR-Space Physics
 2014-2018Member of SOC for ISEST (International Study for Earth-affecting Solar Transients, A program under SCOSTEP)
 2013-PresentDeputy Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Journal of Geophysics
 2012.01-PresentCommittee Member of Astronomical Society of Anhui
 2011-PresentMember of Committee on Space Physics in Chinese Society of Space Research (CSSR)
 2008-PresentMember of Committee on Space Weather in Chinese Geophysical Society (CGS)
Honors, Awards, and Scholarships
 2023The Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement Award of China
 2022Group Achievement Award for China's First Mars Exploration Mission (Leader of the Group)
 2019Xplorer Prize by the New Cornerstone Science Foundation
 2018The First Prize of Natural Science Award by Ministry of Education of China
 2016Science Award for Young Scientists by Ministry of Education of China
 2014The Young Scientist Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences
 2012Tan Kah Kee Science Award for Young Scientists in Earth Sciences
 2011China Youth Science and Technology Award
 2011Young Faculty Achievement Award from USTC Alumni Foundation
 2009Fu Chengyi Award for Outstanding Young Scientists, Chinese Geophysical Society
 2005Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of China
Last Updated on Sunday, February 18, 2024.

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