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1. 学术报告:Challenges in the upper atmosphere simulation
单位:University of Texas Arlington, TX USA

摘要:The ionosphere and thermosphere are two overlapping regions of the upper atmosphere that are tightly coupled. The ionosphere represents the plasma and the thermosphere represents the neutral constituents. Understanding of the ionosphere/thermosphere system under different magnetospheric conditions is important for space research and space weather applications. Currently, the biggest problems that the upper atmosphere community faces include the unknown physical processes in the meso- and small-scales and the imprecision of the energy input to the system. Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model (GITM), the first self-consistent non-hydrostatic model in the upper atmosphere, was developed to better simulate the ionosphere and thermosphere coupling. Meanwhile, various data and models are utilized to investigate the variations of energy inputs (solar irradiance and geomagnetic energy) and distribution and their influences on the coupled thermosphere-ionosphere system. Upper atmosphere is also important to other planets including exo-planets.
Posted at 2016-07-08 07:34 CST
Last modified at 2016-07-08 07:34 CST
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