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This server is maintained by the team of Solar-Terrestrial Exploration and Physics (STEP) (in Chinese)
Science Data
  • Tianwen-1/MOMAG Data
    Magnetic field vectors measured by MOMAG onboard the Mars orbiter of China's first Mars mission --- Tianwen-1. (launched on December 1, 2022)
  • LEIS Level 2 Data
    Level 2 data (noise reduced counts and differential flux) from LEIS of Chinese navigation satellite at geosynchronous orbit. (launched on November 1, 2023)

Online Models
Data Products
Data Mirrored
Note: If you use a model or data product above, please make an acknowledgment as follows and cite relevant publications listed in the webpage of the model or product:
"XXX is an online model (or a data product) at DREAMS (, which is a data and model server maintained by the team of Solar-Terrestrial Exploration and Physics (STEP) at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)."
or "DREAMS XXX ( is generated and maintained by the team of Solar-Terrestrial Exploration and Physics (STEP) at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)."

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Designed & developed by Yuming Wang, run for 6629 days since December 15, 2006, and last upgraded on May 28th, 2009.
Powered by Apache + PHP coded cOpfOs 3.11.1 last upgraded on February 22nd, 2010.
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