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Full Halo CME list

List of Full Halo CMEs From the View Angle of SOHO Since 2007 March 1


  • Shen, Chenglong, Yuming Wang, Zonghao Pan, Min Zhang, Pinzhong Ye, and Shui Wang, Full halo coronal mass ejections: Do we need to correct the projection effect in terms of velocity?, JGR, VOL. 118, 1-8, doi:10.1002/2013JA018872, 2013 (arXiv:1303.4059; PDF from Wiley)
  • Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Zonghao Pan, Bin Miao, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Full Halo Coronal Mass Ejections: Arrival at the Earth, J. Geophys. Res., DOi:10.1002/2014JA020001, 2014 (Arxiv:1406.4589;PDF from Wiley)

    Frontside full halo CMEs, Backside full halo CMEs

    Table A: The numbers of the full halo CMEs in different groups
    Group I Group II Group III Total
    Front Side 37 2 9 48
    Back Side 29 1 8 38
    Total 66 3 17 86
    Group I: Can be fitted by the GCS model.
    Group II: Can be fitted by the GCS model. But, No vCDAW is obtained due to points less than 3.
    Group III: Cannot be fitted by the GCS model.

    Table B: The list of all the frontside full halo CMEs(back to top)

    CME date






    TICME Begin

    TICME End

    12009/12/16 04:30:03E6,N9 10 45 411(14) 208---2009/12/19 09:492009/12/20 09:22
    22010/02/07 03:54:03E6,S7 9 81 481(25) 3982010/02/11 00:002010/02/11 13:002010/02/11 22:00
    32010/02/12 13:42:04E1,N11 11 84 550(42) -22010/02/15 17:402010/02/16 04:002010/02/16 12:00
    42010/04/03 10:33:58E1,S27 27 84 853(40) 6292010/04/05 07:562010/04/05 12:002010/04/06 16:00
    52010/05/23 18:06:05W16,N7 17 70 365(28) 2282010/05/28 01:582010/05/28 19:002010/05/29 17:00
    62010/05/24 14:06:05W26,S6 26 63 552(18) 436---------
    72010/08/01 13:42:05E38,N20 42 931262(78) 8382010/08/03 17:002010/08/04 10:002010/08/05 02:00
    82010/08/07 18:36:06E36,S6 36 83 779(71) 880---2010/08/11 05:002010/08/12 17:00
    92010/08/14 10:12:05W42,S11 43 119 864(10)1108---------
    102010/12/14 15:36:05W35,N39 50 112 856(26) 810---------
    112011/02/14 18:24:05W8,N1 8 61 365(31) 440---2011/02/18 10:302011/02/18 19:30
    122011/02/15 02:24:05W5,S7 8 140 764(109) 7592011/02/18 01:002011/02/18 20:002011/02/20 08:00
    132011/03/07 20:00:05W34,N33 45 1041933(64) -2---------
    142011/06/02 08:12:06E30,S3 30 92 961(83)10282011/06/04 20:002011/06/05 02:002011/06/05 18:00
    152011/06/07 06:49:12------------ a -1---------
    162011/06/21 03:16:10E20,N7 21 93 964(54) 7202011/06/23 02:002011/06/23 06:002011/06/24 06:00
    172011/08/03 14:00:07W10,N12 15 124 925(199) 6352011/08/04 21:152011/08/05 03:302011/08/05 17:30
    182011/08/04 04:12:05W36,N24 42 107---b$ -12011/08/05 17:302011/08/06 22:002011/08/07 22:00
    192011/08/09 08:12:06W45,N16 47 1331594(137)1647---------
    202011/09/06 02:24:05------------ a -1---2011/09/08 10:002011/09/09 12:00
    212011/09/06 23:05:57W41,N19 44 116 901(45) 5132011/09/09 12:002011/09/10 03:002011/09/10 15:00
    222011/09/22 10:48:06E72,N6 72 1311823(127)1882---------
    232011/09/24 12:48:07E47,N6 47 1191768(96)16462011/09/26 12:002011/09/26 20:002011/09/28 00:00
    242011/09/24 19:36:06------------ a -1---------
    252011/10/22 01:25:53------------ a -1---------
    262011/10/22 10:24:05------------ a -12011/10/24 17:382011/10/25 00:002011/10/25 16:00
    272011/10/27 12:00:06E42,N26 48 51---b$ -1---------
    282011/11/09 13:36:05E36,N24 42 1721074(54)10262011/11/12 05:262011/11/12 14:512011/11/13 11:09
    292011/11/26 07:12:06W35,N17 38 177 900(33) 8922011/11/28 20:512011/11/29 00:122011/11/29 04:53
    302012/01/02 15:12:40------------ a -12012/01/05 15:502012/01/04 00:002012/01/06 02:43
    312012/01/16 03:12:10E56,N40 64 124 959(18)1031---------
    322012/01/19 14:36:05E17,N43 45 1421091(56)11682012/01/22 05:102012/01/23 00:132012/01/24 15:09
    332012/01/23 04:00:05W16,N41 43 1931906(175)21092012/01/24 14:30------
    342012/01/26 04:36:05W71,N56 79 851033(15)1117---------
    352012/01/27 18:27:52W78,N27 79 1791807(14)23652012/01/30 15:56------
    362012/02/09 21:17:36E42,N29 49 79 648(12) 644---------
    372012/02/10 20:00:05E25,N20 31 74 583(11) 517---2012/02/14 17:582012/02/16 05:33
    382012/02/23 08:12:06W61,N28 64 135 442(60) 4762012/02/26 20:582012/02/27 17:532012/02/28 15:40
    392012/03/04 11:00:07E41,N27 47 1501190(106)1268---------
    402012/03/05 04:00:05------------ a -12012/03/07 03:282012/03/07 20:502012/03/08 11:41
    412012/03/07 00:24:06E36,N33 47 1402012(451) -22012/03/08 10:542012/03/09 05:192012/03/11 08:03
    422012/03/09 04:26:09W1,N6 6 731188(0)1005---------
    432012/03/10 18:12:06W16,N18 23 1071271(0)14532012/03/12 08:172012/03/12 21:412012/03/15 08:42
    442012/03/13 17:36:05W37,N33 47 1041525(98)18132012/03/15 12:052012/03/16 00:512012/03/16 12:09
    452012/04/05 21:25:07------------ a -1---------
    462012/04/09 12:36:07W40,N12 41 94 892(22) 849---------
    472012/05/12 00:00:05E25,S10 26 65 939(33) 759---------
    482012/05/17 01:48:05------------ a -1---------

    Table C: The list of all the backside full halo CMEs(back to top)

    CME date





    12007/07/30 04:54:04------------ a -1
    22008/10/17 07:31:39(B)E11,S12 16 62 374(16) 169
    32010/06/04 12:30:05(B)W9,N12 14 50 275(0) -2
    42010/08/31 21:17:21------------ a -1
    52011/02/01 23:24:12(B)W15,N5 15 82 674(18) 427
    62011/03/21 02:24:05(B)W46,N4 46 931121(50)1348
    72011/03/26 06:24:05------------ a -1
    82011/04/17 15:36:05(B)W5,N12 12 761036(42) 541
    92011/04/24 21:24:09(B)E38,N14 40 63 494(15) 274
    102011/06/04 06:48:06(B)W52,N19 54 611381(49)1432
    112011/06/04 22:05:02(B)W17,N18 24 902016(112) -2
    122011/06/07 19:16:26(B)W21,N18 27 641359(87) 820
    132011/06/13 04:24:06(B)E35,S21 40 831094(28)1049
    142011/07/25 18:12:05(B)W2,S7 7 99 641(25) 363
    152011/07/26 10:12:06(B)E29,N10 30 79 580(112) -2
    162011/08/23 23:58:18(B)W21,S12 24 49 464(19) 222
    172011/10/01 20:48:05(B)E48,N9 48 1331077(80) -2
    182011/11/03 23:30:05(B)E32,S2 32 1081110(69)1131
    192011/11/04 01:25:29(B)E31,S2 31 107---b$ -1
    202011/11/13 18:36:05(B)E2,N17 17 153 980(40) 731
    212011/11/17 20:36:05------------ a -1
    222011/11/20 23:12:06(B)W10,N20 22 77 646(23) 716
    232011/11/27 14:00:05(B)E1,S5 5 108 341(20) 425
    242011/12/07 09:36:05(B)W2,N15 15 91 600(57) 578
    252011/12/21 03:12:10------------ a -1
    262012/01/12 08:24:05------------ a -1
    272012/02/02 14:24:05(B)W36,N58 64 90 573(25) 543
    282012/02/16 06:36:05(B)W28,N9 29 77 665(28) 541
    292012/02/29 09:12:08(B)W38,N10 39 136 666(26) 512
    302012/03/18 00:24:05(B)W80,N29 81 1381149(104)1238
    312012/03/21 07:36:05(B)W29,N21 35 1421353(16)1242
    322012/03/24 00:24:05(B)E0,N17 16 1481359(119)1414
    332012/03/26 23:12:05------------ a -1
    342012/03/28 01:36:07------------ a -1
    352012/04/07 16:48:05(B)W33,S11 34 971033(38) 781
    362012/04/07 21:15:59(B)E16,S35 38 80 783(14) 682
    372012/04/27 16:24:06(B)W43,N11 44 158 838(32) 665
    382012/05/26 20:57:28(B)W64,N10 64 921823(159)1969

    Acknowledgments We acknowledge the use of CME catalog, the data from SECCHI instruments on STEREO and LASCO on SOHO. The CME catalog is generated and maintained at the CDAW Data Center by NASA and The Catholic University of America in cooperation with the Naval Research Laboratory. STEREO is the third mission in NASA Solar Terrestrial Probes program, and SOHO is a mission of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.

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