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1. Dr. Yingjuan Ma Wins Fred L. Scarf Award
The SPA Scarf Award Committee, chaired by Yan Song, has unanimously selected
Yingjuan Ma as the 2007 recipient. Her Ph.D. thesis, "3D Multi-Species Global
MHD Studies of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars and Saturn's
Magnetospheric Plasma Flow with Titan," was written under the guidance of
Professor Andrew F. Nagy. She will be invited to present a summary of her
work at the next AGU meeting.
                               From: Nancy Crooker <crooker at>

Ms. Ma is USTC9307er.

The F. L. Scarf Award was established in 1989 by the Space Physics and Aeronomy Section to recognize an outstanding dissertation that contributes directly to solar-planetary science. The Awardee is required to deliver an invited paper on his or her dissertation topic at the AGU Spring or Fall Meeting. The first recipient of the Scarf Award in 1991 was Margaret Chen.

All recipients
Yuming WANG
Posted at 2007-08-17 21:43 CST
Last modified at 2007-08-17 21:45 CST
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2. Re: Dr. Yingjuan Ma Wins Fred L. Scarf Award

The SPA Scarf Award Committee, chaired by Yan Song, has unanimously selected
Yingjuan Ma as the 2007 recipient. Her Ph.D. thesis, &quot;3D Multi-Species Global
MHD Studies of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars and Saturn's
Magnetospheric Plasma Flow with Titan,&quot; was written under the guidance of
Professor Andrew F. Nagy. She will be invited to

Posted at 2007-08-18 09:52 CST
Last modified at 2007-08-18 09:52 CST
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