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1. 我专业99级本科毕业生蹇兰获美国地球物理学会2009年Scarf Award
From: Ramon Lopez <relopez at>

It is my great pleasure to announce that Dr. Lan Jian of UCLA has been
selected as the winner of the 2009 Scarf Award out of an exceptionally
competitive field of applicants.  The title of her dissertation is
"Radial Evolution of Large-Scale Solar Wind Structures", which was
conducted under the direction of Dr. Chris Russell.  She will be
giving an invited talk based on her dissertation at the Fall 2009 AGU
in session SH01: SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics General
Contributions.  Please join me in congratulating Dr. Jian on her award.

Ramon E. Lopez
Chair, Scarf Award Committee
Yuming WANG
Posted at 2009-08-21 20:50 CST
Last modified at 2009-08-21 20:50 CST
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