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Research Note


1. Radar Note--for PHD thesis
LF: radar==> Collm (52N 15E), Germany
        ==>uses the reflected “sky wave” of commercial radio transmissions at 177,225, and 270 kHz from the lower boundary of the E-region of the ionosphere,
        ==>Schminder & Jysgber 1994

MF: radar ==>Yamagawa (31N, 130E)  ----Igarashi_1996
            Tromso (70N 19E)      ----Hall 1998
            London  (43N 81W)     ----Thayaparan 1995
            Hawaii  (21N, 107W)   ----Isler Fritts 1996
            Christmas Island (2N, 157W)  ---Vincent 1998
            Saskatoon (50N, 107W)      Manson 1981
        ==>the most weakly ionized part of the atmosphere (50-110 km) by vertically transmitting and receiving the radio waves. 2-3MHz frequecy
        ==> make use of “partial- reflection” echoes or “scatter” from the
electron density inhomogeneities in the ionospheric D-region and lower E-region (50-110 km).
        ==>  Since 1965 when the “spaced antenna technique” (Briggs et al., 1950) was first applied to the MF radar’s partial reflections(Fraser, 1965), it became possible to measure the neutral winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere.

VHF/UVF radar:

1) MST radar:电磁波和大气的相互作用探测晴空大气的风、大气湍流和大气稳定度(见大气静力稳定度)等大气动力学参数的铅直分布
      The Esrange MST radar: A brief introduction and procedure for range validation using balloons Chilson, Phillip B.; Kirkwood, Sheila; Nilsson, Annika
Radio Science, Volume 34, Issue 2, p. 427-436 (RaSc. Homepage)

  ==> india
Sarkar, B . K . , P.B.Tole and A.Agarwa,"Feeder network for the Indian MST
Radar", Published in MAP Handbook,Vo1.14, pp.523, 1989. Ed. by C.H.Liu
and Belva Edwards, SCOSTEP Secretariat,University of Illinois, Illinois 61801,

 AUTHOR = {L. Thomas},
 TITLE = {Applications of the {NERC MST} radar facility in mesoscale
 JOURNAL = {Meteorol. Apps.},
 YEAR = 1999,
 VOLUME = 6,
 PAGES = {133-142}

Further work showed that the ions in the ionospheric plasma interact with the electrons and modify the return signal from the electrons, so that this technique can provide information about both the ions and the electrons in the ionosphere. Study of the return signal yields information not only about the number density of electrons, but also the thermal motion (temperature) and drift (velocity) of electrons and ions, as well as ion composition. These measurements, coupled with theoretical knowledge of the interactions of the magnetosphere, ionosphere and the neutral atmosphere (the non-ionized component), allows scientists to determine other parameters of interest such as wind velocities and electric currents in the ionosphere.this technique allows the density, temperature, velocity, and composition of the near space environment (ionosphere) to be determined with great accuracy. The system can also observe scatter from ionospheric turbulence, meteors, and satellites.

(1)Millstone Hill
W. L. Oliver, J. E. Salah, R. H. Wand and J. V. Evans, "Incoherent Scatter Measurements of E- and F-Region Density, Temperatures, and Collision Frequency at Millstone Hill", Technical Report 531, Lincoln Laboratory, M.I.T. (23 February 1979).

EISCAT Scientific Association, EISCAT - the European incoherent scatter facility at auroral latitudes, EOS, Trans. Am. geophys. Un., 64, 1, Jan. 4, 1983.

(3)Jiamarca (12S 77W)
Pingree, J. E., Incoherent Scatter Measurements and Inferred Energy Fluxes in the Equatorial F-Region Ionosphere, Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1990

Diego Janches and  Robert L. Brown, The Report on the Arecibo Magnetic Conjugate
point Facility,NAIC Arecibo Observatory workshop report, 2006,

wuhan  Xiong的文献

N. J. Mitchell, H. R. Middleton, A. G. Beard, P. J. S. Williams, H. G. Muller
Ann. Geophysicae 17, 1447±1456 (1999)
The 16-day planetary wave in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
Xianghui Xue
Posted at 2007-03-26 10:28 CST
Last modified at 2007-03-26 10:28 CST
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