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Research Note


1. Sodium lidar Note --for PHD thesis
Bowman et al., 1969, Nature, 221, 456-457


在大书p400页还提到的几个Na雷达 ===〉找文献~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SaoPaulo, Brazil(23S 46W)    Kirchhoff_1973 (done)    
Urbana, Illinois (40N,88W)   Rowlett, 1978  
Haute-Provence(44N 6E)   Megie 1977  (done)
Mauna Kea, Hawaii (20N, 155W)  Kwon  1988
Arecibo, Puerto Ricao(18N, 67W) Beatty 1989

Hachioji, Tokyo (35.6N, 139.4E). -〉
参考文献:Chikao Nagasawa, Makoto Abo, and Yasukuni Shibata, Lidar observations of Na density, Ca ion density, temperature, and wind in the mesopause region,
Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environment Monitoring, Upendra N. Singh, Toshikazu Itabe,
Nobuo Sugimoto, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4153 (2001)

钾雷达 (Haute-Provence (44N 6E)): 大书  p335  Megie, 1978
锂雷达  Haute-Provence (44N 6E)          p350  Jegou, 1980
钙雷达  Haute-Provence (44N 6E)          Granier 1985, Felix 1973
铁雷达  Haute-Provence  Granier 1989;    
       UIUC(40N 88W), Bills, 1990

第1次温度探测 (U of Bonn)
Fricke and von Zahn, 1985,JATP,47,499-512,
Bill 1993

第1次风场探测(CSU & UIUC)
Bill et al. 1991;
She et al., 1994, 2004;
Gardner et al., 1995

SaoPaulo, Brazil(23S 46W)   clemasha 1978
Spitsbergen Island (78N 16E)  Gardner_1988
Andoya, Norway  (69N,16E)     Hanson_von Zahn  1990
Urbana, Illinois (40N,88W)    Senft 1989
Mauna Kea, Hawaii (20N, 155W)  Kwon  1988
Arecibo, Puerto Ricao(18N, 67W) Beatty 1989

Yi, 2006, jgr , Yi, Mao ......

gong, s.s.  2003 grl, Gong 1997, Ai, 1999, Song, 2005
Xianghui Xue
Posted at 2007-03-26 10:29 CST
Last modified at 2007-03-26 10:29 CST
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