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Research Note


1. Èý½ÇÂ˲¨
Triangular Filter:

The triangular filter is a linear filter that is usually used as a smoother . The output of the rectangular filter at the moment t is the weighted mean of the input values at the adjacent moments of discrete time t-T/2,...,t,...t+T/2 .

In contrast to the rectangular filter , the weights are not constant within the time "window" [t-T/2...t+T/2], but decline linearly - the farther the time moment from t, the smaller the weight, and the time moments that are further than the half-size T/2 of the filter window have zero weight.

If to plot the weights against t, then the plot looks like a symmetrical triangle. This explains the "triangular" in the name of this filter.

The triangular filter is completely defined by a single parameter T- the window size. The greater the parameter, the greater the degree of smoothing and, hence, the greater the suppression of higher frequencies.

As compared to the rectangular filter , the triangular filter provides better suppression of the higher frequencies and its output looks smoother.
Xianghui Xue
Posted at 2007-04-02 10:15 CST
Last modified at 2007-04-02 10:15 CST
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