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1. 学术报告: EMIC waves and associated plasma conditions
报告人: 张继春博士
单位:University of New Hampshire
Abstract: Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves play an important
role in the overall dynamics of the Earth’s magnetosphere.
Particularly, these waves contribute to the energization and loss of
magnetospheric particles. For instance, EMIC waves can interact with
relativistic electrons in the radiation belts as well as energetic
ions in the ring current, resulting in rapid scattering loss. In this
talk, I will discuss the generation and propagation of EMIC waves and
three crucial EMIC wave-associated plasma conditions: 1) hot
anisotropic H+, which is the free energy provider of EMIC waves and
serves as a necessary condition for the EMIC wave growth, 2) ion
heating, which indicates the effect of the EMIC waves, and 3) cold
dense plasma, which plays a catalytic role in the wave generation and
affects the wave properties. Outstanding problems about EMIC waves and
unprecedented opportunities to solve them with multi-point
measurements from satellites and CubeSats will also be presented.
Qinxiu Li
Posted at 2016-07-25 08:03 CST
Last modified at 2016-07-25 08:03 CST
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