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1. 学术报告:Multi-fluid Simulations of a Comet
报告人: 黄正广博士

摘要:The neutral and plasma environment is critical in understanding the interaction between a comet and the  solar wind. Various numerical models have been developed to study different plasma boundaries, like the bow shock, the contact surface, etc. However, previous simulations typically applied a prescribed neutral gas background, which is a crude approximation. In this work, I developed a 3-D four-fluid model, which is based on Block-Adaptive Tree Solarwind Roe-type Upwind Scheme (BATS-R-US) within the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) that solves the governing multi-ion MHD equations and the Euler equations for  the neutral gas fluid. The simulation results were consistent with previous MHD and hybrid simulations. The model also predicted some new features (e.g., nucleus directed plasma flow) in the inner coma region, which had not been observed in previous studies. Some recent simulations showed that a short-lived electron heating process inside a magnetic flux tube was capable to generate magnetic dropouts similar to the unexpected diamagnetic region observed by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium MAGnetometer (RPC-MAG).
Qinxiu Li
Posted at 2016-10-31 09:02 CST
Last modified at 2016-10-31 09:02 CST
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