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1. 学术报告::Chemistry in terrestrial planetary atmospheres
报告题目:Chemistry in terrestrial planetary atmospheres

摘要:Abstract: Solar system terrestrial planets covered in this talk include Venus, Earth, Mars, Jovian satellites Callisto and Europa, Saturnian satellite Titan, and Pluto. Starting with very diverse chemical compositions in the atmospheres, the subsequent chemical and physical processes result in very different pathways in synthesizing organic/inorganic molecules and aerosols. I will briefly describe the chemical properties for each planet system and focus primarily on Pluto where we recently acquired new data from New Horizons spacecraft. If time permits, recent results, in particular the isotopic compositions of several hydrocarbon and nitrile species and CO from ALMA for Titan and an attempt to model them will be presented.
Qinxiu Li
Posted at 2016-11-21 13:29 CST
Last modified at 2016-11-21 13:29 CST
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