1. 学术报告:Carbon cycle: conventional and unconventional analyses | | 时间:11月23日下午15:00 地点:行政科研楼1512会议室 报告人:梁茂昌博士 单位:台湾中央研究院环境变化中心
摘要:Abstract: The abundance variations of near surface atmospheric CO2 isotopologues (primarily 16O12C16O, 16O13C16O, 18O12C16O, 17O12C16O, and 18O13C16O) represent an integrated signal from anthropogenic/biogeochemical processes, including fossil fuel burning, biospheric photosynthesis and respiration, hydrospheric isotope exchange with water, and stratospheric photochemistry. Conventional analyses include traditional concentration (16O12C16O), d13C (16O13C16O), and d18C (18O12C16O) measurements in CO2. Unconventional are the so-called oxygen anomaly (17O12C16O) and clump isotopes (such as 18O13C16O). In addition to the well developed conventional tools for carbon cycling research, two newly developed unconventional tools will be introduced and applied to provide a new insight into carbon/water coupled biogeochemistry. Moreover, the two new tracers are also useful for paleo-temperature and paleo-hydrological reconstructions, a new way to understand the past climate and even to future climate prediction.
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