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1. 学术报告:A Systematic Study of Characteristics of Lower-Band
报告人:Shue Jih-Hong
单位: National Central University

摘要:Chorus waves are usually generated outside the plasmapause
in the equatorial region of the magnetosphere. The characteristics of
chorus elements can be quantified by three parameters: the lasting
time, the sweep rate, and the repetition period. A systematic study on
all three parameters has not been performed in the past. Here we use
the burst mode waveform data from the Time History of Events and
Macroscale Interaction during Substorms (THEMIS) probes to
systematically investigate the relationships between the three chorus
parameters and background plasma and magnetic field data using the
random forest method of machine learning and Pearson’s correlation
analysis. We find that the characteristics of chorus elements depend
upon the radial distance quantified by the L value. The lasting time
and repetition period are shorter and the sweep rate is higher when
the L value is smaller. With a comparison with the background plasma
and magnetic fields, we also find that the temperature is the most
important parameter that controls the development of chorus elements.
The lasting time and repetition period are shorter and the sweep rate
is higher when the temperature is higher. The findings derived from
this analysis can be used to serve as a guideline for a deep
understanding of the generation mechanism of chorus elements and as
input for a modeling of wave-particle interactions in the radiation
Posted at 2018-06-12 09:23 CST
Last modified at 2018-06-13 15:47 CST
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