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1. Postdoctoral Fellowships
The High Altitude Observatory (HAO) in Boulder, Colorado announces its 2011
postdoctoral fellowship program.

Scientists at HAO conduct research related to solar/stellar interiors and
variability (including asteroseismology and the solar-stellar connection),
the lower solar atmosphere, corona and heliosphere, and terrestrial and
planetary atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres. Projects involving
radiative transfer, hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, radiation
hydrodynamics, plasma physics and other topics are pursued both out of
fundamental physical interest and for their application to the above areas
of research. Successful applicants will pursue research in collaboration
with members of the scientific staff and other long-term visitors in these
and related areas.

Postdoctoral Fellows are appointed for 2 years beginning in September or
October; some flexibility is possible on the specific times of arrival and
departure. Fellows are expected to work at HAO in Boulder, Colorado, with
the exception of time spent participating in field research and observing
programs. Fellows will have access to the HAO Linux/Unix computers, NCAR
supercomputer systems, and the HAO and NCAR libraries and data archives
from Mauna Loa Solar Observatory and other facilities.

Salary: $56,000 (first year), $58,500 (second year)
Scientific travel allowance: $2,000 per year
Relocation allowance: up to $1000/$2500 (domestic/foreign)
Moving/storage allowance: $750
Medical/dental insurance: Cigna PPO/HSA or Kaiser (see link for details)
Retirement contributions: TIAA-CREF 15% of salary (10% employer, 5% employee)
Vacation time: 20 days (4 weeks) per year, plus nine paid holidays
Full benefit details at

See for complete
application details. The deadline for applications is January 5, 2011.
Posted at 2010-11-12 11:10 CST
Last modified at 2010-11-12 11:10 CST
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