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2020 Top
623.Chen, H. Y., Sauer, K., Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, and S. J. Wang, Two-band whistler-mode waves excited by an electron bi-Maxwellian distribution plus parallel beams, AIP Advances, 10, 125010, 2020.
622.Huang, K., Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, and S. Wang, Spontaneous growth of the reconnection electric field during magnetic reconnection with a guide field: A theoretical model and particle-in-cell simulations, Chinese Phyiscs B, 29, 075202, 2020.
621.Guo, Jingnan, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Mateja Dumbovic, Bernd Heber, and Yuming Wang, A new model describing Forbush Decreases at Mars: combining the heliospheric modulation and the atmospheric influence, EPP, 4, 1-11, 2020.
620.Wang, Yuming, Xianzhe Jia, Chuanbing Wang, Shui Wang, and V. Krupar, Locating the Source Field Lines of Jovian Decametric Radio Emissions, Earth and Planetary Physics, 4, 95-104, doi: 10.26464/epp2020015, 2020. (Cover story)
619.Liu, Kai#, XinJun Hao#, YiRen Li#, TieLong Zhang*, ZongHao Pan, ManMing Chen, XiaoWen Hu, Xin Li, ChengLong Shen, and YuMing Wang*, Mars Orbiter Magnetometer of China’s First Mars Mission Tianwen-1, Earth and Planetary Physics, , doi:10.26464/epp2020058, 2020.
618.Dai, L., C. Wang, Z. M. Cai, W. Gonzalez, M. Hesse, P. Escoubet, T. Phan, V. Vasyliunas, Quanming Lu, L. Li, L. G. Kong, M. Dunlop, R. Nakamura, J. S. He, H. S. Fu, M. Zhou, S. Y. Huang, R. S. Wang, Y. Khotyaintsev, D. Graham, A. Retino, L. Zelenyi, E. E. Grigorenko, A. Runov, V. Angelopoulos, L. Kepko, K. J. Hwang, and Y. C. Zhang, , Frontiers in Physics, 8, 89, 2020.
617.Wang, Yuming*, Haisheng Ji, Yamin Wang, Lidong Xia, Chenglong Shen, Jingnan Guo, Quanhao Zhang, Zhenghua Huang, Kai Liu, Xiaolei Li, Rui Liu, Jingxiu Wang, and Shui Wang, Concept of the Solar Ring Mission: An Overview, Science China Technological Sciences, , doi:10.1007/s11431-020-1603-2, arXiv:2003.12728, 2020.
616.Wang, Yamin, Xin Chen, Pengcheng Wang, Chengbo Qiu, Yuming Wang, and Yonghe Zhang, Concept of the Solar Ring Mission: Preliminary Design and Mission Profile, Science China Technological Sciences, , doi:10.1007/s11431-020-1612-y, 2020.
615.Lyu, Shaoyu, Xiaolei Li*, and Yuming Wang*, Optimal Stereoscopic Angle for Reconstructing Solar Wind Inhomogeneous Structures, Adv. Space Res., , doi:10.1016/j.asr.2020.07.045, arXiv:2005.06838, 2020.
614.Joshi, Reetika, Yuming Wang, Ramesh Chandra, Quanhao Zhang, Lijuan Liu, and Xiaolei Li, Cause and Kinematics of a Jetlike CME, Astrophys. J., 901, 94(8pp), 2020.
613.Zhuang, Bin, Noe Lugaz, Tingyu Gou, Liuguan Ding, and Yuming Wang, The Role of Successive and Interacting CMEs in the Acceleration and Release of Solar Energetic Particles: Multi-viewpoint Observations, Astrophys. J., 901, 45(14pp), 2020.
612.He, Yuwei, Rui Liu, Lijuan Liu, Jun Chen, Wensi Wang, and Yuming Wang, Electric Currents through J-shaped and Non-J-shaped Flare Ribbons, Astrophys. J., 900, 38(11pp), 2020.
611.Cheng, Long, Quanhao Zhang*, Yuming Wang*, Xiaolei Li, and Rui Liu, Using Stereoscopic Observations of Cometary Plasma Tails to Infer Solar Wind Speed, Astrophys. J., 897, 87(10pp), 2020.
610.Zhang, M., R. S. Wang, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Observation of the tailward electron flows commonly detected at the flow boundary of the earthward ion bursty bulk flows in the magnetotail, Astrophys. J., 891, 175, 2020.
609.Zhou, Zhenjun, Rui Liu, Xing Cheng, Chaowei Jiang, Yuming Wang, Lijuan Liu, and Jun Cui, The Relationship between Chirality, Sense of Rotation, and Hemispheric Preference of Solar Eruptive Filaments, Astrophys. J., 891, 180(6pp), 2020.
608.Chen, Jun, Rui Liu, Kai Liu, Arun Kumar Awasthi, Peijin Zhang, Yuming Wang, and Bernhard Kliem, Extreme Ultraviolet Late Phase of Solar Flares, Astrophys. J., 890, 158, 2020.
607.Shan, L. C., B. S. Tsurutani, Y. Ohsawa, C. Mazelle, C. Huang, A. M. Du, Y. S. Ge, and Quanming Lu, Observational Evidence for Fast Mode Periodic Small-scale Shocks: A New Type of Plasma Phenomenon, Astrophys. J. Lett., 905, L4, 2020.
606.Xu, Zigong, Jingnan Guo, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Johan L. Freiherr von Forstner, Yuming Wang, Nina Dresing, Henning Lohf, Shenyi Zhang, Bernd Heber, and Mei Yang, First Solar Energetic Particles Measured on the Lunar Far-side, Astrophys. J. Lett., 902, L30(8pp), 2020.
605.Yang, Z. W., Y. D. Liu, S. Matsukiyo, Quanming Lu, F. Guo, M. Z. Liu, H. S. Xie, X. L. Gao, and J. Guo, PIC simulations of microinstabilities and plasma waves at near-Sun solar wind perpendicular shocks: Predictions of Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter, Astrophys. J. Lett., 900, L24, 2020.
604.Gou, Tingyu, Astrid M. Veronig, Rui Liu, Bin Zhuang, Mateja Dumbovic, Tatiana Podladchikova, Hamish A. S. Reid, Manuela Temmer, Karin Dissauer, Bojan Vrsnak, and Yuming Wang, Solar Flare-CME Coupling Throughout Two Acceleration Phases of a Fast CME, Astrophys. J. Lett., 897, L36(9pp), 2020.
603.Liu, D. K., S. Lu, Quanming Lu, W. X. Ding, and S. Wang, Spontaneous Onset of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection on Electron Scale, Astrophys. J. Lett., 890, L15, 2020.
602.Shan, L. C., A. M. Du, Bruce T. Tsurutani, Y. S. Ge, Quanming Lu, C. Huang, C. Mazelle, K. H. Glassmeier, and P. Henr, In situ observations of the formation of periodic collisionless plasma shocks from fast mode waves, Astrophys. J. Lett., 888, L17, 2020.
601.Quanming Lu, H. Y. Wang, X. Y. Wang, S. Lu, R. S. Wang, X. L. Gao, and S. Wang, Turbulence-driven magnetic reconnection in the magnetosheath downstream of a quasi-parallel shock:a three-dimensional global hybrid simulation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2019GL085661, 2020.
600.Huang, K., Y. H. Liu, Quanming Lu, and M. Hesse, Scaling of magnetic reconnection with a limited x-line extent, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL088147, 2020.
599.Chen, H. Y, X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, B. Tsurutani, and S. Wang, Statistical Evidence for EMIC wave Excitation Driven by Substorm Injection and Enhanced Solar Wind Pressure in the Earth's Magnetosphere: Two different EMIC wave Sources, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL090275, 2020.
598.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, S. Lu, C. Russell, J. Burch, D. Gershman, W. Gonzalez, and S. wang, Physical implication of two types of reconnection electron diffusion regions with and without ion-coupling in the magnetotail current sheet, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL088761, 2020.
597.Liu, N. G., Su, Z. P.*, Gao, Z. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Wang, S., Miyoshi, Y., Shinohara, I., Kasahara, Y., Tsuchiya, F., Kumamoto, A., Matsuda, S., Shoji, M., Mitani, T., Takashima, T., Kazama, Y., Wang, B.-J., Wang, S.-Y., Jun, C.-W., Chang, T.-F., Tam, Sunny W. Y., Kasahara, S., Yokota, S., Keika, K., Hori, T., and Matsuoka, A., Comprehensive observations of substorm-enhanced plasmaspheric hiss generation, propagation, and dissipation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2019GL086040, 2020.
596.Liu, N. G., Su, Z. P.*, Gao, Z. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Can solar wind decompressive discontinuities suppress magnetospheric electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves associated with fresh proton injections?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL090296, 2020.
595.Wang, Z. S., Su, Z. P.*, Liu, N. G.*, Dai, G. Y., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Suprathermal electron evolution under the competition between plasmaspheric plume hiss wave heating and collisional cooling, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL089649, 2020.
594.Su, Z. P.*, Liu, N. G., Gao, Z. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Rapid Landau heating of Martian topside ionospheric electrons by large-amplitude magnetosonic waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL090190, 2020.
593.Liu, Nigang, Zhenpeng Su, Zhonglei Gao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Iku Shinohara, Yoshiya Kasahara, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Atsushi Kumamoto, Shoya Matsuda, Masafumi Shoji, Takefumi Mitani, Takeshi Takashima, Yoichi Kazama, Bo-Jhou Wang, Shiang-Yu Wang, Chae-Woo Jun, Tzu-Fang Chang, Sunny W. Y. Tam, Satoshi Kasahara, Shoichiro Yokota, Kunihiro Keika, Tomoaki Hori, and Ayako Matsuoka, Comprehensive Observations of Substorm-Enhanced Plasmaspheric Hiss Generation, Propagation, and Dissipation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2019GL086040, 2020.
592.Liu, Nigang, Zhenpeng Su*, Zhonglei Gao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and ShuiWang, Can solar wind decompressive discontinuities suppress magnetospheric electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves associated with fresh proton injections?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, doi:10.1029/2020GL090296, 2020.
591.Wang, Zhongshan, Zhenpeng Su, Nigang Liu, Guyue Dai, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Suprathermal Electron Evolution Under the Competition Between Plasmaspheric Plume Hiss Wave Heating and Collisional Cooling, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL089649, 2020.
590.Su, Zhenpeng, Nigang Liu, Zhonglei Gao, Bin Wang, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, , Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL090190, doi:10.1029/2020GL090190, 2020.
589.Hui Zhu, Lunjin Chen, and Zhiyang Xia, Electron driven by Magnetic Dip Embedded Within the Proton driven by Magnetic Dip and the Related Echoes of Butterfly Distribution of Relativistic Electrons, Geophys. Res. Lett., , 2020.
588.Ke, Y. G., Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, X. Y. Wang, L. J. Chen, S. J. Wang, and S. Wang, Particle-in-cell simulations of characteristics of rising-tone chorus waves in the inner magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 125, e2020JA027961, 2020.
587.Tsurutani, B., L. Chen, X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, J. Pickett, G. Lakhina, A. Sen, R. Hajra, S. Park, and B. Falkowski, Lower-Band "Monochromatic" Chorus Riser Subelement/Wave Packet Observations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 125, e2020JA028090, 2020.
586.Li, Xiaolei, Yuming Wang*, Rui Liu, Chenglong Shen, Quanhao Zhang, Shaoyu Lyu, Bin Zhuang, Fang Shen, Jiajia Liu, and Yutian Chi, Reconstructing solar wind inhomogeneous structures from stereoscopic observations in white-light: Solar wind transients in 3D, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., , doi:10.1029/2019JA027513, 2020.
585.Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, K. Huang, and S. Wang, Magnetic islands in collisionless magnetic reconnection, J. Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China, 50, 1218, 2020.
584.Raghav, Anil*, Sandesh Gaikwad, Yuming Wang*, Zubair I. Shaikh, Wageesh Mishra, and Ake Zao, Study of flux rope characteristics at sub-astronomical-unit distances using the Helios 1 and 2 spacecraft, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 495, 1566-1576, doi:10.1093/mnras/staa1189, 2020.
583.Wang, S. M., R. S. Wang, Quanming Lu, H. S. Fu, and S. Wang, Direct evidence of secondary reconnection inside filamentary currents of magnetic flux ropes in magnetic reconnection, Nat. Comm., 11, 3964, 2020.
582.Lu, S., R. S.Wang, Quanming Lu, V. Angelopoulos, R. Nakamura, A. Artemyev, P. Pritchett, T. Liu, X. J. Zhang, W. Baumjohann, W. Gonzalez, A. Rager, R. Torbert, B. Giles, D. Gershman, C. Russell, R. Strangeway, Y. Qi, R. Ergun, P.-A. Lindqvist, J. Burch, and S. Wang, Magnetotail reconnection onset caused by electron kinetics with a strong external driver, Nat. Comm., 11, 5049, 2020.
581.Yao, J. S., Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, J. Zheng, H. Y. Chen, Y. Li, and S. Wang, Generation of Harmonic Alfvén Waves and Its Implications to Heavy Ion Heating in the Solar Corona: Hybrid Simulations, Phys. Plasmas, 27, 012901, 2020.
2019 Top
580.Abid, A. A., Quanming Lu, M. N. S. Qureshi, X. L. Gao, H. Y. Chen, K. H. Shah, and S. Wang, 1-D particle-in-cell simulations of electron acoustic solitary structures in an electron beam-plasma, AIP Advances, 9, 025029, 2019.
579.Liu, Jiajia, Yuming Wang, and Robert Erdelyi, How Many Twists Do Solar Coronal Jets Release?, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 6, 44, 2019.
578.Shi, P. Y., K. Huang, Quanming Lu, and X. Sun, Experimental Observation of Kinetic Alfvén Wave Generated by Magnetic Reconnection, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61, 125010, 2019.
577.Abid, A. A., Quanming Lu, H. Y. Chen, Y. G. Ke, S. Ali, and S. Wang, Effects of electron trapping on nonlinear electron-acoustic waves excited by an electron beam via particle-in-cell simulations, Plasma Sci. Technol., 21, 055301, 2019.
576.Hu, R. X., Shan, X., Yuan, G. Y., Wang, S. W., Zhang, W. H., Qi, W., Cao, Z., Li, Y. R., Chen, M. M., Yang, X. P., Wang, B., Shao, S. P., Li, F., Zhong, X. Q., Fan, D., Hao, X. J., Feng, C. Q., Su Z. P., Shen, C. L., Li, X., Dai, G. Y., Qiu, B. L., Pan, Z. H., Liu, K., Xu, C. K., Liu, S. B., An, Q., Zhang, T. L., Wang, Y. M.*, and Chen, X. J., A low-energy ion spectrometer with half-space entrance for three-axis stabilized spacecraft, Sci. China Tech. Sci., 62, 1015-1027, 2019.
575.Gou, Tingyu, Rui Liu*, Bernhard Kliem*, Yuming Wang, and Astrid M. Veronig, The birth of a coronal mass ejection, Science Advances, 5, eaau7004, 2019.
574.HU RenXiang, SHAN Xu*, YUAN GuangYuan, WANG ShuWen, ZHANG WeiHang, QI Wei, CAO Zhe, LI YiRen, CHEN ManMing, YANG XiaoPing, WANG Bo, SHAO SiPei, HAO XinJun, FENG ChangQing, SU ZhenPeng, SHEN ChengLong, LI Xin, DAI GuYue, QIU BingLin, PAN ZongHao, LIU Kai, XU ChunKai, LIU ShuBin, AN Qi, ZHANG TieLong, WANG YuMing*, and CHEN XiangJun, A low-energy ion spectrometer with half-space entrance for three-axis stabilized spacecraft, Science China Technological Sciences, 62, 1015-1027, doi:10.1007/s11431-018-9288-8, 2019.
573.Sun, J. C., X. L. Gao, Y. G. Ke, Quanming Lu, X. Y. Wang, and S. Wang, Expansion of Hot Coronal Electrons in an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field: 1-D PIC Simulation, Astrophys. J., 887, 96, 2019.
572.Xu, Mengjiao, Chenglong Shen*, Yutian Chi, Yuming Wang, Qiang Hu, Gang Li, Zhihui Zhong, and Jiayi Liu, The Enhancement of the Energetic Particle Intensities in ICMEs, Astrophys. J., 885, 54(12pp), 2019.
571.Zhao, Ake*, Yuming Wang*, Hengqiang Feng, Bin Zhuang, Xiaolei Li, Hongbo Li, and Hong Jia, The Relationship of Magnetic Twist and Plasma Motion in a Magnetic Cloud, Astrophys. J., 885, 122(5pp), 2019.
570.Liu, Lijuan, Xin Cheng, Yuming Wang, and Zhenjun Zhou, Formation of a Magnetic Flux Rope in the early emergence phase of NOAA active region 12673, Astrophys. J., 884, 45(17pp), 2019.
569.Sang, L. L., Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, K. Huang, and S. Wang, A parametric study of the structure of Hall magnetic field based on kinetic simulations. II. Asymmetric magnetic reconnection with a guide field, Astrophys. J., 882, 126, 2019.
568.Dumbovic, Mateja, Jingnan Guo, Manuela Temmer, M. Leila Mays, Astrid Veronig, Stephan Heinemann, Karin Dissauer, Stefan Hofmeister, Jasper Halekas, Christian Mostl, Tanja Amerstorfer, Jurgen Hinterreiter, Sasa Banjac, Konstantin Herbst, Yuming Wang, Lukas Holzknecht, Martin Leitner, and , Unusual plasma and particle signatures at Mars and STEREO-A related to CME-CME interaction, Astrophys. J., 880, 18(16pp), 2019.
567.Zhuo, Zhenjun, Xin Cheng, Lijuan Liu, Yu Dai, Yuming Wang, and Jun Cui, Extreme-ultraviolet Late Phase Caused by Magnetic Reconnection over Quadrupolar Magnetic Configuration in a Solar Flare, Astrophys. J., 878, 46(11pp), 2019.
566.Sang, L. L., Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, K. Huang, and S. Wang, A parametric study on the structure of Hall magnetic field based on kinetic simulations. I. Anti-parallel magnetic reconnection in an asymmetric current sheet, Astrophys. J., 877, 155, 2019.
565.Zhuang, Bin*, Yuming Wang*, Youqiu Hu, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, Tingyu Gou, Quanhao Zhang, and Xiaolei Li, Numerical simulations on the deflection of coronal mass ejections in the interplanetary, Astrophys. J., 876, 73(12pp), 2019.
564.Zhuang, Bin*, Yuming Wang*, Youqiu Hu, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, Tingyu Gou, Quanhao Zhang, and Xiaolei Li, Numerical simulations on the deflection of coronal mass ejections in the interplanetary space, Astrophys. J., 876, 73(12pp), 2019.
563.Cheng, Zhixun, Yuming Wang*, Rui Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, and Kai Liu, Plasma Motion inside Flaring Regions Revealed by Doppler Shift Information from SDO/EVE Observations, Astrophys. J., 875, 93(14pp), 2019.
562.Awasthi, Arun Kumar, Rui Liu, and Yuming Wang, Double-decker Filament Configuration Revealed by Mass Motions, Astrophys. J., 872, 109(11pp), 2019. (AAS NOVA Highlight
561.Xu, Mengjiao, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Bingxian Luo, and Yutian Chi, Importance of Shock Compression in Enhancing ICME’s Geoeffectiveness, Astrophys. J. Lett., 884, L30(7pp), 2019.
560.Guo, Jingnan, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Yuming Wang, Manuel Grande, Daniel Matthia, Cary Zeitlin, Bent Ehresmann, and Donald M. Hassler, The pivot energy of solar energetic particles affecting the Martian surface radiation environment, Astrophys. J. Lett., 883, L12(8pp), 2019.
559.Zhou, Zhenjun, Xin Cheng, Jie Zhang, Yuming Wang, Dong Wang, Lijuan Liu, Bin Zhuang, and Jun Cui, Why do torus-unstable solar filaments experience failed eruptions?, Astrophys. J. Lett., 877, L28(6pp), 2019.
558.Liu, Y, Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, K. Huang, H. Y. Wang, and S. Wang, Electron acceleration and formation of power-law spectra of energetic electrons during the merging process of multiple magnetic islands: particle-in-cell simulations, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 364, 109, 2019.
557.Sun, J. C., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Dissipation and reformation of thermal fronts in solar flares, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 364, 116, 2019.
556.Gao, X. L., L. J. Chen, W. Li, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Statistical results of the power gap between lower-band and upper-band chorus waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 4098-4105, 2019.
555.Yu, X. C., R. S. Wang, Quanming Lu, C. T. Russell, and S. Wang, The Non-ideal Electric Field Observed in the Separatrix Region of a Magnetotail Reconnection Event, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 10744-10753, 2019.
554.Chen, R., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Unraveling the Correlation between Chorus Wave and Electron Beam-like Distribution in the Earth's Magnetosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 11671-11678, 2019.
553.Li, X. M., R. S. Wang, Quanming Lu, K. J. Hwang, Q. G. Zong, C. Russell, and S. Wang, Observation of non-gyrotropic electron distribution across the electron diffusion region in the magnetotail reconnection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 14263-14273, 2019.
552.Liu, N. G., Su, Z. P.*, Gao, Z. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Magnetospheric chorus, exohiss, and magnetosonic emissions simultaneously modulated by fundamental toroidal standing Alfvén waves following solar wind dynamic pressure fluctuations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 1900-1910, 2019.
551.Dai, G. Y., Su, Z. P.*, Liu, N. G., Wang, B., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Quenching of equatorial magnetosonic waves by substorm proton injections, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 6156-6167, 2019.
550.Dai, Guyue, Zhenpeng Su, Nigang Liu, Bin Wang, Huinan Zheng, YumingWang, and ShuiWang, Quenching of Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves by Substorm Proton Injections, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 6156-6167, 2019.
549.Hui Zhu, Xu Liu, and Lunjin Chen, Triggered Plasmaspheric Hiss: Rising Tone Structures, Geophys. Res. Lett., , 2019.
548.Lunjin Chen, Hui Zhu, and Xiaojia Zhang, Wavenumber analysis of EMIC waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., , 2019.
547.Hui Zhu, and Lunjin Chen, On the Observation of Electrostatic Harmonics Associated With EMIC Waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., , 2019.
546.Hui Zhu, Lunjin Chen, Seth G. Claudepierre, and Liheng Zheng, Direct Evidence of the Pitch Angle Scattering of Relativistic Electrons Induced by EMIC Waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., , 2019.
545.Hui Zhu, Yuri Y. Shprits, M. Spasojevic, and Alexander Y. Drozdov, New hiss and chorus waves diffusion coefficient parameterizations from the Van Allen Probes and their effect on long-term relativistic electron radiation-belt VERB simulations, J. Atoms. Sol.-Terres. Phys., , 2019.
544.Wang, S. M., R. S. Wang, S. T. Yao, Quanming Lu, C. T. Russell, and S. Wang, Anisotropic electron distributions and whistler waves in a series of the flux transfer events at the magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 124, 1753-1769, 2019.
543.Fan, K., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, J. Guo, and S. Wang, The effects of thermal electrons on whistler mode waves excited by anisotropic hot electrons: linear theory and 2D PIC simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 124, 5234-5245, 2019.
542.Quanming Lu, Y. G. Ke, X. Y. Wang, K. J. Liu, X. L. Gao, L. J. Chen, and S. Wang, Two-dimensional general curvilinear particle-in-cell (gcPIC) simulation of rising-tone chorus waves in a dipole magnetic field, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 124, 4157-4167, 2019.
541.Chen, H. Y., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Reanalyzing EMIC Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Derived from Long-term Van Allen Probes Observations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 124, 7402-7412, 2019.
540.Wu, Y. F., X. Tao, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Saturation Properties of WhistlerWave Instability in a Plasma With Two Electron Components, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 124, 5121-5128, 2019.
539.Hui Zhu, Lunjin Chen, Xu Liu, and Yuri Y. Shprits, Modulation of Locally Generated Equatorial Noise by ULF Wave, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., , 2019.
538.Hui Zhu, Wenyao Gu, and Lunjin Chen, Statistical analysis on plasmatrough exohiss waves from the Van Allen Probes, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., , 2019.
537.Mishra, Wageesh, Nandita Srivastava, Yuming Wang, Zavkiddin Mirtoshev, Jie Zhang, and Rui Liu, Mass Loss via Solar Wind and Coronal Mass Ejections During Solar Cycles 23 and 24, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 486, 4671-4685, 2019.
536.Yang, Yan, Minping Wan, William H. Matthaeus, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, Tulasi N. Parashar, Quanming Lu, Yipeng Shi, and Shiyi Chen, Scale dependence of energy transfer in turbulent plasma, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 482, 4933-4940, 2019.
535.Liu, Jiajia, Chris J. Nelson, Ben Snow, Yuming Wang, and Robert Erdélyi, Evidence of ubiquitous Alfvén pulses transporting energy from the photosphere to the upper chromosphere, Nat. Comm., 10, 3504, 2019.
534.Shi, P. Y., Z. D. Yang, M. Luo, R. S. Wang, Quanming Lu, and X. Sun, Observation of spontaneous decay of Alfvénic fluctuations into co- and counterpropagating magnetosonic waves in a laboratory plasma, Phys. Plasmas, 26, 032105, 2019.
533.Chien, A., L. Gao, H. T. Ji, X. X. Yuan, E. G. Blackman, H. Chen, P. Efthimion, G. Fiksel, D. Froula, K. Hill, K. Huang, Quanming Lu, J. D. Moody, and P. M. Nilson, Study of a magnetically driven reconnection platform using ultrafast proton radiography, Phys. Plasmas, 26, 062113, 2019.
532.Yang, Y., M. P. Wan, W. H. Matthaeus, Y. P. Shi, T. N. Parashar, Quanming Lu, and S. Y. Chen, Role of magnetic field curvature in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, Phys. Plasmas, 26, 072306, 2019.
531.Zhang, Peijin, Chuangbin Wang, Ye Lin, and Yuming Wang, Forward Modeling of the Type III Radio Burst Exciter, Sol. Phys., 294, 62(20pp), 2019.
530.王水 and 陆全明, 无碰撞磁场重联, 科学出版社, 北京, 2019.
529.季海生, 汪毓明, and , 太阳的立体观测, 中国科学-物理学、力学、天文学, , 2019.
2018 Top
528.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, S. J. Wang, and S. Wang, Theoretical analysis on lower band cascade as a mechanism for multiband chorus in the Earth's magnetosphere, AIP Advances, 8, 055003, 2018.
527.Teng, S. C., X. Tao, W. Li, Y. Qi, X. L. Gao, L. Dai, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, A statistical study of the spatial distribution and source-region size of chorus waves using Van Allen Probes data, Annales Geophysicae, 36, 867-878, 2018.
526.Gao, Z. L., Su, Z. P.*, Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Wang, S., Spence, H. E., Reeves, G. D., Baker, D. N., Blake, J. B., Funsten, H. O., and Wygant, J. R., Exohiss wave enhancement following substorm electron injection in the dayside magnetosphere, Earth Planet. Phys., 2, 359-370, 2018.
525.Zhuang, Bin, YuMing Wang, ChengLong Shen, and Rui Liu, A statistical study of the likelihood of a super geomagnetic storm occurring in a mild solar cycle, Earth and Planetary Physics, 2, 112-119, 2018.
524.Lin, M, H. Lian, M. Liu, G. Zhu, Z. Yang, P. Shi, Quanming Lu, and X. Sun, A 7.8 kV nanosecond pulse generator with a 500 Hz repetition rate, Journal of Instrumentation, 13, P04004, 2018.
523.Yi, H. S., M. Liu, P. Y. Shi, Z. D. Yang, G. H. Zhu, Quanming Lu, and X. Sun, Characterization of a medium-sized washer-gun for an axisymmetric mirror, Review of Scientific Intruments, 89, 043503, 2018.
522.Zhang, Q. F., J. L. Xie, M. Luo, X. Sun, F. B. Fan, Quanming Lu, W. X. Ding, and Y. L. Zhu, Laser-induced fluorescence diagnostic via pulsed lasers in an argon plasma, Reviews of Scientific Instruments, 89, 10C119, 2018.
521.Liu, Rui, Jun Chen, and Yuming Wang, Disintegration of an Eruptive Filament via Interactions with Quasi-Separatrix Layers, Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 61, 069611, 2018.
520.Liu, Rui, Yuming Wang, Jeongwoo Lee, and Chenglong Shen, Impacts of EUV Wavefronts on Coronal Structures in Homologous Coronal Mass Ejections, Astrophys. J., 870, 15(18pp), 2018.
519.Dong Wang, Rui Liu, Yuming Wang, Tingyu Gou, Quanhao Zhang, Zhenjun Zhou, and Min Zhang, Unraveling the links among sympathetic eruptions, Astrophys. J., 869, 177(10pp), 2018.
518.Mishra, Wageesh* and Yuming Wang*, Modeling the thermodynamic evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections using their kinematics, Astrophys. J., 865, 50(15pp), 2018.
517.Chi, Yutian, Zhang, Jie, Shen, Chenglong, Hess, Phillip, Liu, Lijuan, Mishra, Wageesh, and Wang, Yuming, Observational Study of an Earth-affecting Problematic ICME from STEREO, Astrophys. J., 863, 108(13pp), 2018.
516.Hao, Y. F., Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, H. Y. Wang, D. J. Wu, and S. Wang, Two-dimensional hybrid simulations of filamentary structures and kinetic slow waves downstream of a quasi-parallel shock, Astrophys. J., 861, 57, 2018.
515.Shen, Chenglong, Mengjiao Xu, Yuming Wang, Yutian Chi, and Bingxian Luo, Why the Shock-ICME Complex Structure Is Important: Learning from the Early 2017 September CMEs, Astrophys. J., 861, 28(9pp), 2018.
514.Chen, H. Y., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, In Situ Observations of Harmonic Alfven Waves and Associated Heavy Ion Heating, Astrophys. J., 859, 120, 2018.
513.Liu, Lijuan*, Yuming Wang*, Zhenjun Zhou, Karin Dissauer, Manuela Temmer, and Jun Cui, A Comparative Study between a Failed and a Successful Eruption Initiated from the Same Polarity Inversion Line in AR 11387, Astrophys. J., 858, 121(14pp), 2018. (SDO/HMI Science Nugget
512.Yang, Z. W., Quanming Lu, Y. D. Liu, and R. Wang, Impact of shock front rippling and self-reforming on the electron dynamics of low-Mach-number shock, Astrophys. J., 857, 36, 2018.
511.Awasthi, Arun Kumar, Rui Liu, Haimin Wang, Yuming Wang, and Chenglong Shen, Pre-eruptive Magnetic Reconnection within a Multi-flux-rope System in the Solar Corona, Astrophys. J., 857, 124(13pp), 2018.
510.Liu, Jiajia, Yudong Ye, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, and Robert Erdelyi, A New Tool for CME Arrival Time Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms: CAT-PUMA, Astrophys. J., 855, 109(10pp), 2018.
509.Liu, Jiajia, Robert Erdelyi, Yuming Wang, and Rui Liu, Untwisting jets related to magnetic flux cancellation, Astrophys. J., 852, 10(12pp), 2018.
508.Zhao, Ake*, Yuming Wang*, Hengqiang Feng, Mengjiao Xu, Yan Zhao, Guoqing Zhao, and Qiang Hu, The twist profile in the cross-section of interplanetary magnetic clouds, Astrophys. J. Lett., 869, L13(6pp), 2018.
507.Liu, Lijuan, Xin Cheng, Yuming Wang, Zhenjun Zhou, Yang Guo, and Jun Cui, Rapid Buildup of a Magnetic Flux Rope during a Confined X2.2 Class Flare in NOAA AR 12673, Astrophys. J. Lett., 867, L5, 2018.
506.Wang, Haimin, Rui Liu, Qin Li, Chang Liu, Na Deng, Yan Xu, Ju Jing, Yuming Wang, and Wenda Cao, Extending Counter-Streaming Motion from an Active Region Filament to a Sunspot Light Bridge, Astrophys. J. Lett., 852, L18(6pp), 2018.
505.Wu, M. Y., Quanming Lu, M. Volwerk, R. Nakamura, and T. L.Zhang, Electron acceleration behind a wavy dipolarization front, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 363, 22, 2018.
504.Jin, Y. J., Zheng, H. N.*, and Su, Z. P., Propagation and Damping of two-fluid magnetohydrodynamic waves in stratified solar atmosphere, Chinese Phys. Lett., 35, 075201, 2018.
503.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, R. Nakamura, W. Baumjohann, C. T. Russell, J. L. Burch, C. J. Pollock, D. Gershman, R. E. Ergun, S. Wang, P. A. Lindqvist, and B. Giles, An electron-scale current sheet without bursty reconnection signatures observed in the near-Earth tail, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 4542-4549, 2018.
502.Xu, S. X., A. Runov, A. Artemyev, V. Angelopoulos, and Quanming Lu, Intense cross-tail field-aligned currents in the plasma sheet at lunar distances, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 4610-4617, 2018.
501.Chen, L. J., J. C. Sun, Quanming Lu, X. Y. Wang, X. L. Gao, and S. Wang, Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation of magnetosonic wave excitation in a dipole magnetic field, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 8712-8720, 2018.
500.Gao, X. L., J. C. Sun, Quanming Lu, L. J. Chen, and S. Wang, Generation of unusual lower harmonic magnetosonic waves through nonlinear wave-wave interactions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 8029-8034, 2018.
499.Su, Z. P.*, Liu, N. G., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Large-amplitude extremely low frequency hiss waves in plasmaspheric plumes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 565-577, 2018.
498.Liu, N. G., Su, Z. P.*, Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Prompt disappearance and emergence of radiation belt magnetosonic waves induced by solar wind dynamic pressure variations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 585-594, 2018.
497.Liu, N. G., Su, Z. P.*, Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Magnetosonic harmonic falling and rising frequency emissions potentially generated by nonlinear wave-wave interactions in the Van Allen radiation belts, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 2018.
496.Su, Z. P.*, Liu, N. G., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Multipoint observations of nightside plasmaspheric hiss generated by substorm injected electrons, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 10921-10932, 2018.
495.Gao, Z. L., Su, Z. P.*, Xiao, F. L., Summers, D., Liu, N. G., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Wei, F. S., and Wang, S., Nonlinear coupling between whistler-mode chorus and electron cyclotron harmonic waves in the magnetosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 12685-12693, 2018.
494.Su, Zhenpeng, Nigang, Liu, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Large-amplitude extremely low frequency hiss waves in plasmaspheric plumes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 565-577, 2018.
493.Liu, Nigang, Su, Zhenpeng, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Prompt disappearance and emergence of radiation belt magnetosonic waves induced by solar wind dynamic pressure variations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 585-594, 2018.
492.Liu, Nigang, Zhenpeng Su, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Magnetosonic harmonic falling and rising frequency emissions potentially generated by nonlinear wave-wave interactions in the Van Allen radiation belts, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, doi:10.1029/2018GL079232, 2018.
491.Su, Zhenpeng, Nigang Liu, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Multipoint observations of nightside plasmaspheric hiss generated by substorm injected electrons, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, doi:10.1029/2018GL079927, 2018.
490.Gao, Zhonglei, Zhenpeng Su, Fuliang Xiao, Danny Summers, Nigang Liu, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Fengsi Wei, and Shui Wang, Nonlinear coupling between whistler-mode chorus and electron cyclotron harmonic waves in the magnetosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 12685-12693, 2018.
489.Shan, L. C, C. Mazelle, K. Meziane, N. Romanelli, Y. S. Ge, A. M. Du, Quanming Lu, and T. L. Zhang, The quasi-monochromatic ULF wave boundary in the Venusian foreshock: Venus Express observations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 123, 374-384, 2018.
488.Chen, H. Y., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, J. C. Sun, and S. Wang, Nonlinear evolution of counter-propagating whistler-mode waves excited by anisotropic electrons within the equatorial source region: 1-D PIC simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 123, 1200-1207, 2018.
487.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Statistical results of multiband chorus by using THEMIS waveform data, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 123, 5506-5515, 2018.
486.Tang, C. L.*, Xie, X. J., Ni, B., Su, Z. P., Reeves, G. D., Zhang, J.-C., Baker, D. N., Spence, H. E., Funsten, H. O., Blake, J. B., Wygant, J. R., and Dai, G. Y., Rapid enhancements of the seed populations in the heart of the Earth's outer radiation belt: A multicase study, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 123, 4895-4907, 2018.
485.He, Y. H.*, Xiao, F. L.*, Su, Z. P., Zheng, H. N., Yang, C., Liu, S., and Zhou, Q. H., Generation of lower L-shell dayside chorus by energetic electrons from the plasmasheet, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 123, 8109-8121, 2018.
484.Zhuang, Bin, Youqiu Hu, Yuming Wang, Quanhao Zhang, Rui Liu, Tingyu Gou, and Chenglong Shen, Coronal flux rope catastrophe associated with internal energy release, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 123, 2513-2519, 2018.
483.Wang, Yuming, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, Jiajia Liu, Jingnan Guo, Xiaolei Li, Mengjiao Xu, Qiang Hu, and Tielong Zhang, Understanding the twist distribution inside magnetic flux ropes by anatomizing an interplanetary magnetic cloud, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 123, 3238-3261, doi:10.1002/2017JA024971, 2018. (Editor's Highlight:
482.Li, Xiaolei, Yuming Wang*, Rui Liu, Chenglong Shen, Quanhao Zhang, Bin Zhuang, Jiajia Liu, and Yutian Chi, Reconstructing solar wind inhomogeneous structures from stereoscopic observations in white-light: Small transients along the Sun-Earth line, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 123, 7257-7270, doi:10.1029/2018JA025485, 2018.
481.Liemohn, Michael W., Yuming Wang, Alan Rodger, Michael Balikhin, and Larry Kepko, Editorial: Thank you to the 2017 JGR Space Physics reviewers, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 123, 4510-4516, 2018.
480.Hui Zhu, Yuri Y. Shprits, Lunjin Chen, Xu Liu, and Adam C. Kellerman, An Event on Simultaneous Amplification of Exohiss and Chorus Waves Associated With Electron Density Enhancements, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., , 2018.
479.Huang, K., Quanming Lu, L. Gao, H. T. Ji, X. Y. Wang, and F. B. Fan, Particle-in-cell simulations of magnetically driven reconnection using laser-powered capacitor coils, Phys. Plasmas, 25, 052104, 2018.
478.Sang, L. L., Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, K. Huang, and S. Wang, Quadrupolar and hexapolar Hall magnetic field during asymmetric magnetic reconnection without a guide field, Phys. Plasmas, 25, 062120, 2018.
477.Ke, Y. G., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, Y. F. Hao, and S. Wang, Parametric Decay of Nonparallel Whistler Waves in the Earth's Magnetosphere: 2-D PIC Simulations, Phys. Plasmas, 25, 072901, 2018.
476.Quanming Lu, H. Y. Wang, K. Huang, R. S. Wang, and S. Wang, Formation of power law spectra of energetic electrons during multiple X line magnetic reconnection with a guide field, Phys. Plasmas, 25, 072126, 2018.
475.Chi, Yutian, Chenglong Shen*, Bingxian Luo, Yuming Wang, and Mengjiao Xu, Geoeffectiveness of Stream Interaction Regions from 1995 to 2016, Space Weather, 16, 1960-1971, 2018.
474.Guo, Jingnan, Mateja Dumbovic, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Manuela Temmer, Henning Lohf, Yuming Wang, Astrid Veronig, Donald M. Hassler, Leila M. Mays, Cary Zeitlin, Bent Ehresmann, Oliver Witasse, Johan L. Freiherr von Forstner, Bernd Heber, and Mats Holmstrom, Modeling the evolution and propagation of 10 September 2017 CMEs and SEPs arriving at Mars constrained by remote sensing and in situ measurement, Space Weather, 16, 1156-1169, 2018. (Highlighted by,)
473.Chi, Yutian, Chenglong Shen, Bingxian Luo, Yuming Wang, and Mengjiao Xu, Geoeffectiveness of Stream Interaction Regions from 1995 to 2016, Space Weather, 16, 1960-1971, 2018.
472.Wang, Jingjing, Xianzhi Ao, Yuming Wang, Chuanbing Wang, Yanxia Cai, Bingxian Luo, Siqing Liu, Chenglong Shen, Bin Zhuang, Xianghui Xue, and Jiancun Gong, An operational solar wind prediction system transitioning fundamental science to operations, J. Space Weather Space Clim., 8, A39, 2018.
471.章伟杭, 郝新军, 李毅人, 王淑文, 封常青, 陈满明, 杨小平, 胡任翔, 单旭, and 汪毓明*, 半空间低能离子谱仪高压电源设计, 核电子学与探测技术, , 459-463, 2018.
2017 Top
470.Wang, Yuming and Rui Liu, Existing an Upper Limit in the Magnetic Energy of a Stable Magnetic Flux Rope?, Res. Notes AAS, 1, 10, 2017.
469.Lin, M. N., M. Liu, G. H. Zhu, P. Y. Shi, J. Zheng, Quanming Lu, and Xuan Sun, Field-reversed configuration formed by in-vessel θ−pinch in a tandem mirror device, Review of Scientific Instruments, 88, 093505, 2017.
468.Liu, N. G., Zheng, H. N.*, and Su, Z. P., Three-dimensional ray-tracing simulation of fast magnetoacoustic waves in a stratified solar atmosphere, Sci. China Tech. Sci., 60, 1570-1576, 2017.
467.Wang, Y. Y, F. Y. Li, M. Chen, S. M. Weng, Quanming Lu, Q. L. Dong, Z. M. Sheng, and J. Zhang, Magnetic field annihilation and reconnection driven by femtosecond lasers in inhomogeneous plasma, Science China, 60, 115211, 2017.
466.Zhuang, Bin, Yuming Wang*, Chenglong Shen, Siqing Liu, Jingjing Wang, Zonghao Pan, Huimin Li, and Rui Liu, The significance of the influence of the CME deflection in interplanetary space on the CME arrival at the Earth, Astrophys. J., 845, 117(12pp), 2017.
465.Zhao, Ake, Yuming Wang*, Jiajia Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, Bin Zhuang, and Quanhao Zhang, The role of viscosity in causing the plasma poloidal motion in magnetic clouds, Astrophys. J., 845, 109(6pp), 2017.
464.Liu, Lijuan*, Yuming Wang*, Rui Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, M. Temmer, J. K. Thalmann, Jiajia Liu, Kai Liu, Chenglong Shen, Quanhao Zhang, and A. M. Veronig, The causes of quasi-homologous CMEs, Astrophys. J., 844, 141(19pp), 2017.
463.Huang, C, Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, F. Guo, M. Y. Wu, S. Lu, and S. Wang, Development of turbulent magnetic reconnection in magnetic island, Astrophys. J., 835, 245, 2017.
462.Zhang, Quanhao, Yuming Wang, Youqiu Hu, Rui Liu, and Jiajia Liu, Influence of Photospheric Magnetic Conditions on the Catastrophic Behaviors of Flux Ropes in Active Regions, Astrophys. J., 835, 211(10pp), 2017.
461.Wang, Wensi, Rui Liu*, and Yuming Wang, Tornado-Like Evolution of A Kink-Unstable Solar Prominence, Astrophys. J., 834, 38(11pp), 2017.
460.Wang, Dong, Rui Liu, Yuming Wang, Kai Liu, Jun Chen, Jiajia Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, and Min Zhang, Critical Height of the Torus Instability in Two-Ribbon Solar Flares, Astrophys. J. Lett., 843, L9(6pp), 2017. (SDO/HMI Science Nugget
459.Mishra, Wageesh, Yuming Wang, Nandita Srivastava, and Chenglong Shen, Assessing the Nature of Collisions of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Inner Heliosphere, Astrophys. J. Supp., 232, 5(24pp), 2017.
458.Qiu, Q, H. G. Yang, Quanming Lu, and Z. J. Hu, Correlation between emission intensities in dayside auroral arcs and precipitating electron spectra, Chinese J. Geophys., 60, 489-498, 2017.
457.Sang, L. L., M. Y. Wu, and Quanming Lu, Electrostatic Structure of the electron phase-space holes generated by the electron two-stream instabilities with a finite width, Chinese J. Space Sci., 37, 517-523, 2017.
456.Gao, X. L., Y. G. Ke, Quanming Lu, L. J. Chen, and S. Wang, Generation of multiband chorus in the earth’s magnetosphere: 1-D PIC simulation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 618-624, 2017.
455.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, First Report of Resonant Interactions Between Whistler-mode Waves in the Earth's Magnetosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 5269-5275, 2017.
454.Tao, X, L. Chen, X. Liu, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Quasilinear analysis of saturation properties of broadband whistler mode waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 8122-8129, 2017.
453.Gao, Z. L., Su, Z. P.*, Chen, L. J., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Van Allen Probes observations of whistler-mode chorus with long-lived oscillating tones, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 5909-5919, 2017.
452.Liu, N. G., Su, Z. P.*, Gao, Z. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Wang, S., Spence, H. E. Reeves, G. D., Baker, D. N., Blake, J. B., Funsten, H. O., and Wygant, J. R., Simultaneous disappearances of plasmaspheric hiss, exohiss and chorus waves triggered by a sudden decrease in solar wind dynamic pressure, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 52-61, 2017.
451.Yang, C., Su, Z. P.*, Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Wang, S., Spence, H. E. Reeves, G. D., Baker, D. N., Blake, J. B., and Funsten, H. O., A positive correlation between energetic electron butterfly distributions and magnetosonic waves in the radiation belt slot region, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 3980-3990, 2017.
450.Su, Z. P.*, Wang, G., Liu, N. G., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Direct observation of generation and propagation of magnetosonic waves following substorm injection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 7587-7597, 2017.
449.Yang, Chang, Zhenpeng Su, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, YumingWang, Shui Wang, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, D. N. Baker, J. B. Blake, G. D. Reeves, and H. O. Funsten, A positive correlation between energetic electron butterfly distributions and magnetosonic waves in the radiation belt slot region, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 3980-3990, 2017.
448.Gao, Zhonglei, Zhenpeng Su, Lunjin Chen, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Van Allen Probes observations of whistler-mode chorus with long-lived oscillating tones, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 5909-5919, 2017.
447.Su, Zhenpeng, Geng Wang, Nigang Liu, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Direct observation of generation and propagation of magnetosonic waves following substorm injection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 7587-7597, 2017.
446.Sun, J. C., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, L. J. Chen, X. Y. Wang, X. Tao, and S. Wang, Spectral properties and associated plasma energization by magnetosonic waves in the earth's magnetosphere: particle-in-cell simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 5377-5390, 2017.
445.Hao, Y. F., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, C. Huang, R. S. Wang, and S. Wang, Reformation of rippled quasi-parallel shocks: 2-D hybrid simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 6385-6396, 2017.
444.Ke, Y. G, X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, X. Y. Wang, and S. Wang, Generation of rising-tone chorus in a two-dimensional mirror field by using the general curvilinear PIC code, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 8154-8165, 2017.
443.Wang, C, Q. Ma, X. Tao, Y. Zhang, S. Teng, J. M. Albert, A. A. Chan, W. Li, B. Ni, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Modeling radiation belt dynamics using a 3-D layer method code, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 8642-8658, 2017.
442.Wang, G., Su, Z. P.*, Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Zhang, M., and Wang, S., Nonlinear fundamental and harmonic cyclotron resonant scattering of relativistic electrons by oblique EMIC waves, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 1928-1945, 2017.
441.Tang, C. L.*, Wang, Y. X., Ni, B. B., Zhang, J. C., Reeves, G. D., Su, Z. P., Baker, D. N., Spence, H. E., Funsten, H. O., and Blake, J. B., Radiation belt seed population and its association with the relativistic electron dynamics: A statistical study, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 5261-5276, 2017.
440.Shen, Chenglong, Yutian Chi, Yuming Wang, Mengjiao Xu, and Shui Wang, Statistical Comparison of the ICME's Geoeffectiveness of Different Types and Different Solar Phases from 1995 to 2014, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 5931-5948, 2017.
439.Wang, Geng, Zhenpeng Su, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Min Zhang, and Shui Wang, Nonlinear fundamental and harmonic cyclotron resonant scattering of radiation belt ultra-relativistic electrons by oblique monochromatic EMIC waves, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 1928-1945, 2017.
438.Su Zhenpeng, H. E. Spence, Zhonglei Gao, G. D. Reeves, Huinan Zheng, D. N. Baker, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, and J. R. Wygant, Rapid Loss of Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons by EMIC Waves, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 2017.
437.Liu, Nigang, Zhenpeng Su, Zhonglei Gao, G. D. Reeves, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Shock-Induced Disappearance and Subsequent Recovery of Plasmaspheric Hiss: Coordinated Observations of RBSP, THEMIS, and POES Satellites, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 122, 2017.
436.Huang, K., C. Huang, Q. L. Dong, Quanming Lu, S. Lu, Z. M. Sheng, S. Wang, and J. Zhang, Formation of high-speed electron jets as the evidence for magnetic reconnection in laser-produced plasma, Phys. Plasmas, 24, 041406, 2017.
435.Ke, Y. G., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Parametric decay of a parallel propagating monochromatic whistler wave: particle-in-cell simulations, Phys. Plasmas, 24, 012108, 2017.
434.Abid, A. A., M. Z. Khan, Quanming Lu, and S. L. Yap, A generalized AZ- non-Maxwellian velocity distribution function for space plasmas, Phys. Plasmas, 24, 033702, 2017.
433.Wang, H. Y., Quanming Lu, C. Huang, and S. Wang, Electron acceleration in a secondary magnetic island formed during magnetic reconnection with a guide field, Phys. Plasmas, 24, 052113, 2017.
432.Abid, A. A., M. U. Rehman, M. Z. Khan, Z. Sarfraz, and Quanming Lu, The Influence of Multi-Ions Streaming on the Variation of Dust Particles Surface Potential with Maxwellian/Non-Maxwellian Dusty Plasmas, Phys. Plasmas, 24, 083702, 2017.
431.Huang, K., Quanming Lu, C. Huang, Q. L. Dong, H. Y. Wang, F. B. Fan, Z. M. Sheng, S. Wang, and J. Zhang, Formation of electron energy spectra during magnetic reconnection in laser-produced plasma, Phys. Plasmas, 24, 102101, 2017.
430.Wang, R. S, R. Nakamura, Quanming Lu, W. Baumjohann, R. E. Ergun, J. L. Burch, M. Volwerk, A. Varsani, T. Nakamura, W. Gonzalez, B. Giles, D. Gershman, and S. Wang, Simultaneously observed ion- and electron-scale quadrants of the reconnection Hall magnetic field at magnetopause, Phys. Rev. Lett., 118, 175101, 2017.
429.Zhao, Ake*, Yuming Wang*, Yutian Chi, Jiajia Liu, Chenglong Shen, and Rui Liu, Main cause of the poloidal plasma motion inside a magnetic cloud inferred from multiple-spacecraft observations, Sol. Phys., 292, 58, doi:10.1007/s11207-017-1077-4, 2017.
428.Shen, Fang, Yuming Wang, Chenglong Shen, and Xueshang Feng, On the Collision Nature of Two Coronal Mass Ejections: A Review, Sol. Phys., 292, 104(20pp), 2017.
427.Lugaz, Noe, Manuela Temmer, Yuming Wang, and Charlie Farrugia, The Interaction of Successive Coronal Mass Ejections: A Review, Sol. Phys., 292, 64(37pp), 2017.
2016 Top
426.Lu, S., Quanming Lu, F. Guo, Z. M. Sheng, H. Y. Wang, and S. Wang, Particle-in-cell simulations of electron energization in laser-driven magnetic reconnection, New Journal of Physics, 18, 013051, 2016.
425.Liu, Jiajia, Yuming Wang, Robertus Erdelyi, Rui Liu, Scott W. McIntosh, Tingyu Gou, Jun Chen, Kai Liu, Lijuan Liu, and Zonghao Pan, On the Magnetic and Energy Characteristics of Recurrent Homologous Jets from An Emerging Flux, Astrophys. J., 833, 150(11pp), 2016.
424.Mishra, Wageesh*, Yuming Wang*, and Nandita Srivastava, On Understanding the Nature of Collision of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by STEREO, Astrophys. J., 831, 99(13pp), 2016.
423.He, P., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, He2+ heating via parametric instabilities of parallel propagating Alfven waves with an incoherent spectrum, Astrophys. J., 827, 64, 2016.
422.Lijuan Liu,, Yuming Wang, Jingxiu Wang, Chenglong Shen, Pinzhong Ye, Quanhao, and Zhang, Rui Liu, and S. Wang, Why is a flare-rich active region CME-poor?, Astrophys. J., 826, 119 (10pp), 2016.
421.Liu, Lijuan*, Yuming Wang*, Jingxiu Wang, Chenglong Shen, Pinzhong Ye, Rui Liu, Jun Chen, Quanhao Zhang, and S. Wang, Why is a flare-rich active region CME-poor?, Astrophys. J., 826, 119(10pp), 2016.
420.Zhang, Quanhao, Yuming Wang, Youqiu Hu, and Rui Liu, Downward Catastrophe of Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes, Astrophys. J., 825, 109(8pp), 2016.
419.Hao, Y. F., Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, and S. Wang, Ion dynamics at a rippled quasi-parallel shock:2-D hybrid simulations, Astrophys. J., 823, 7, 2016.
418.Wang, H. Y., Quanming Lu, C. Huang, and S. Wang, The mechanisms of electron acceleration during multiple X line magnetic reconnection with a guide field, Astrophys. J., 821, 84, 2016.
417.Rui Liu, Bernhard Kliem, Viacheslav S.Titov, Jun Chen, Yuming Wang, Haimin Wang, Chang Liu, Yan Xu, and Thomas Wiegelmann, Structure, Stability, and Evolution of Magnetic Flux Ropes from the Perspective of Magnetic Twist, Astrophys. J., 818, article id. 148, 2016.
416.Liu, Rui, Bernhard Kliem, Viacheslav S. Titov, Jun Chen, Yuming Wang, Haimin Wang, Chang Liu, Yan Xu, and Thomas Wiegelmann, Structure, Stability, and Evolution of Magnetic Flux Ropes from the Perspective of Magnetic Twist, Astrophys. J., 818, 148(12pp), 2016. (SDO/HMI Science Nugget,;)
415.Liu, Jiajia, Fang Fang, Yuming Wang, Scott W. McIntosh, Yuhong Fan, and Quanhao Zhang, On the Observation and Simulation of Solar Coronal Twin Jets, Astrophys. J., 817, 126(8pp), 2016.
414.Gou, Tingyu, Rui Liu, Yuming Wang, Kai Liu, Bin Zhuang, Jun Chen, Quanhao Zhang, and Jiajia Liu, Stereoscopic Observation of Slipping Reconnection in A Double Candle-Flame-Shaped Flare, Astrophys. J. Lett., 821, L28(7pp), 2016. (Highlighted by AAS,;)
413.Yang, Z. W., C. Huang, Y. D. Liu, G.K. Parks, R.Wang, Quanming Lu, and H. D. Hu, Global explicit particle-in-cell simulations of the nonstationary bow shock and magnetosphere, Astrophys. J. Supp., 225, 13, 2016.
412.Wang, Yuming, Zhenjun Zhou, Jie Zhang, Kai Liu, Rui Liu, Chenglong Shen, and Phillip C. Chamberlin, Thermodynamic Spectrum of Solar Flares Based on SDO/EVE Observations: Techniques and First Results, Astrophys. J. Supp., 223, 4(22pp), 2016.
411.XIONG Ming, LIU Ying, LIU Hao, LI Baoquan, ZHENG Jianhua, ZHANG Cheng, XIA Lidong, ZHANG Hongxin, RAO Wei, CHEN Changya, SUN Weiying, WU Xia, DENG Yuanyong, HE Han, JIANG Bo, WANG Yuming, WANG Chuanbing, SHEN Chenglong, ZHANG Haiying, ZHANG Shenyi, YANG Xuan, SANG Peng, and WU Ji, Overview of the Solar Polar Orbit Telescope Project for Space Weather Mission, Chinese J. Space Sci., 36, 245-266, 2016.
410.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, J. Bortnik, W. Li, L. J. Chen, and S. Wang, Generation of multi-band chorus by lower band cascade in the earth's magnetosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 2343-2350, 2016.
409.Gao, Z. L., Su, Z. P.*, Zhu, H., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Shen, C., and Wang, S., Intense low-frequency chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Fine structures and potential effect on radiation belt electrons, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 967-977, 2016.
408.Wang, B., Su, Z. P.*, Zhang, Y., Shi, S. W., and Wang, G., Nonlinear Landau resonant scattering of near-equatorially mirroring radiation belt electrons by oblique EMIC waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 3628-3636, 2016.
407.Yang, C., Su, Z. P.*, Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Wang, S., Spence, H. E. Reeves, G. D., Baker, D. N., Blake, J. B., and Funsten, H. O., Rapid flattening of butterfly pitch-angle distributions of radiation belt electrons by whistler-mode chorus, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 8339-8347, 2016.
406.Xiao, F. L., Zhou, Q. H., Su, Z. P., He, Z. G., Yang, C., Liu, S., He, Y. H., and Gao, Z. L., Explaining occurrences of auroral kilometric radiation in Van Allen radiation belts, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 11971-11978, 2016.
405.Gao, Zhonglei, Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Chao Shen, and Shui Wang, Intense low-frequency chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Fine structures and potential effect on radiation belt electrons, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 967-977, 2016.
404.Chang Yang, Zhenpeng Su, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, D. N. Baker, J. B. Blake, and H. O. Funsten, Rapid flattening of butterfly pitch-angle distributions of radiation belt electrons by whistler-mode chorus, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 8339-8347, 2016.
403.Zhonglei Gao, Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Chao Shen, and Shui Wang, Intense low-frequency chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Fine structures and potential effect on radiation belt electrons, Geophys. Res. Lett., , 2016.
402.Qiu, Q, H. G. Yang, Quanming Lu, Z. J. Hu, D. S. Han, and Q. Wang, Orientation variation of dayside auroral arc alignments obtained from all-sky observation at Yellow River Station, Svalbard, J. Atoms. Sol.-Terres. Phys., 142, 20-24, 2016.
401.Chen, L. J., J. C. Sun, Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, Z. Y. Xia, and Z. Zhima, Generation of magnetosonic waves over a continuous spectrum, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 1137-1147, 2016.
400.Hao, Y. F., B. Lembege, Quanming Lu, and Fan Guo, Formation of downstream high speed jets by a rippled nonstationary quasi-parallel shock: 2-D hybrid simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 2080, 2016.
399.Lu, S, A. Artemyev, V. Angelopoulos, Quanming Lu, and J. Liu, On the current density reduction ahead of dipolarization fronts, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 4269-4278, 2016.
398.Gao,X. L., D. Mourenas, W. Li, A. V. Artemyev, Q. M. Lu, X. Tao, and S. Wang, Observational evidence of generation mechanisms for very oblique lower band chorus using THEMIS waveform data, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 6732-6748, 2016.
397.Shan, L. C., C. Mazelle, M. Delva, Quanming Lu, Y. S. Ge, A. M. Du, and T. L. Zhang, Characteristics of quasi-monochromatic ULF waves in the Venusian foreshock, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 7385-7397, 2016.
396.Wu, M. Y., Quanming Lu, M. Volwerk, Z. Voros, X. Y. Ma, and S. Wang, Current sheet flapping motion in the tailward flow of magnetic reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 7817-7827, 2016.
395.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, R. Nakamura, C. Huang, X. Li, M. Y. Wu, A. M. Du, X. L. Gao, and S. Wang, The electrostatic and electromagnetic fluctuations detected inside magnetic flux ropes during magnetic reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 9473-9482, 2016.
394.Zhao, Y, R. S. Wang, Quanming Lu, A. M. Du, Z. H. Yao, and M. Y. Wu, Coalescence of magnetic flux ropes observed in the tailward high speed flows, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 10898-10909, 2016.
393.Lu, S., Y. Lin, V. Angelopoulos, A.V.Artemyev, P. L. Pritchett, Quanming Lu, and X. Y. Wang, Hall effect control of magnetotail dawn-dusk asymmetry: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 11882-11895, 2016.
392.Su, Z. P., Gao, Z. L., Zhu, H., Li, W., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Wang, S., Spence, H. E., Reeves, G. D., Baker, D. N., Blake, J. B., Funsten, H. O., and Wygant, J. R., Nonstorm time dropout of radiation belt electron fluxes on 24 September 2013, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 6400-6416, 2016.
391.Tang, C. L., Zhang, J.-C., Reeves, G. D., Su, Z. P., Baker, D. N., Spence, H. E., Funsten, H. O., Blake, J. B., and Wygant, J. R., Prompt enhancement of the Earth's outer radiation belt due to substorm electron injections, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 11826-11838, 2016.
390.Guo, Jianpeng, Fengsi Wei, Xueshang Feng, Jeffrey M. Forbes, Yuming Wang, Huixin Liu, Weixing Wan, Zhiliang Yang, and Chaoxu Liu, Prolonged multiple excitation of large-scale traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) by successive and interacting coronal mass ejections, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 2662-2668, 2016.
389.Zhenpeng Su, Zhonglei Gao, Hui Zhu, Wen Li, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, D. N. Baker, J. B. Blake, H. O. Funsten, and J. R. Wygant, Nonstorm time dropout of radiation belt electron fluxes on 24 September 2013, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 6400-6416, 2016.
388.Wang, Yuming, Quanhao Zhang, Jiajia Liu, Chenglong Shen, Fang Shen, Zicai Yang, T. Zic, B. Vrsnak, D. F. Webb, Rui Liu, S. Wang, Jie Zhang, Q. Hu, and B. Zhuang, On the Propagation of a Geoeffective Coronal Mass Ejection during March 15 - 17, 2015, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 7423-7434, 2016.
387.Wang, Yuming, Bin Zhuang, Qiang Hu, Rui Liu, Chenglong Shen, and Yutian Chi, On the twists of interplanetary magnetic flux ropes observed at 1 AU, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 121, 9316-9339, doi:10.1002/2016JA023075, 2016. (Editor's Highlight:
386.Zhenpeng Su, Zhonglei Gao, Hui Zhu, Wen Li, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, D. N. Baker, J. B. Blake, and J.R. Wygant, Nonstorm time dropout of radiation belt electron fluxes on 24 September 2013, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., , 2016.
385.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Qiugang Zong, Xuzhi Zhou, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, Y.-X. Hao, Zhonglei Gao, Zhaoguo He, D. N. Baker, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, J. B. Blake, and J.R. Wygant, Ultra-low-frequency wave-driven diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons, Nat. Comm., , 2016.
384.Yuri Y. Shprits, Alexander Y. Drozdov, Maria Spasojevic, Adam C. Kellerman, Maria E. Usanova, Mark J. Engebretson, Oleksiy V. Agapitov, Irina S. Zhelavskaya, Tero J. Raita, Harlan E. Spence, Daniel N. Baker, Hui Zhu, and Nikita A. Aseev, Wave-induced loss of ultra-relativistic electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts, Nat. Comm., , 2016.
383.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, R. Nakamura, C. Huang, A. M. Du, F. Guo, W. L. Teh, M. Y. Wu, S. Lu, and S. Wang, Coalescence of magnetic flux ropes in the ion diffusion region of magnetic reconnection, Nat. Phys., 12, 263-267, 2016.
382.Sun, J. C., X. L. Gao, L. J. Chen, Quanming Lu, X. Tao, and S. Wang, A parametric study for the generation of ion Bernstein modes from a discrete spectrum to a continuous one in the inner magnetosphere. I. Linear theory, Phys. Plasmas, 23, 022901, 2016.
381.Sun, J. C., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, L. J. Chen, X. Tao, and S. Wang, A parametric study for the generation of ion Bernstein modes from a discrete spectrum to a continuous one in the inner magnetosphere. II. Particle-in-cell simulations, Phys. Plasmas, 23, 022902, 2016.
380.Fan, F. B, C. Huang, Quanming Lu, J. L. Xie, and S. Wang, The structures of magnetic islands formed during collisionless magnetic reconnections in a force free current sheet, Phys. Plasmas, 23, 112106, 2016.
379.Zhang, Quanhao*, Yuming Wang*, Rui Liu, Chenglong Shen, Min Zhang, Tingyu Gou, Jiajia Liu, Kai Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, and Shui Wang, Damped large amplitude oscillations in a solar prominence and a bundle of coronal loops, Res. Astron. Astrophys., 16, 167(10pp), 2016.
378.Chi, Yutian, Chenglong Shen*, Yuming Wang, Mengjiao Xu, Pinzhong Ye, and Shui Wang, Statistical study of the interplanetary coronal mass ejections from 1996 to 2015, Sol. Phys., 291, 2419-2439, 2016.
377.Shen, Fang, Yuming Wang*, Chenglong Shen, and Xueshang Feng, Turn on the super-elastic collision nature of coronal mass ejections through low approaching speed, Sci. Rep., 6, 19576, 2016.
376.Liu, Rui, Jun Chen, Yuming Wang, and Kai Liu, Investigating Energetic X-Shaped Flares on the Outskirts of A Solar Active Region, Sci. Rep., 6, 34021, 2016.
2015 Top
375.Liang, Y. H., G. Y. Hu, P. Yuan, Y. L. Wang, B. Zhao, F. L. Song, Quanming Lu, J. Zheng, , and Zheng Jian, Temporal evolutions of the plasma density and temperature of laser-produced plasma expansion in an external transverse magnetic field, Acta Physica Sinica, 64, 125204, 2015.
374.Haimin Wang, Wenda Cao, Chang Liu, Yan Xu, Rui Liu, Zhicheng Zeng, Jongchul Chae, and Haisheng Ji, Witnessing magnetic twist with high-resolution observation from the 1.6-m New Solar Telescope, Nature Communications, 6, 7008, 2015.
373.Cui, Y. Q., Z. M. Sheng, Quanming Lu, Y. T. Li, and J. Zhang, Two-stage acceleration of interstellar ions driven by high-energy lepton plasma flows, SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 58, 105201, 2015.
372.Jiajia Liu, Fuming Wan, Chenglong Shen, Kai Liu, Zonghao Pan, and S. Wang, A SOLAR CORONAL JET EVENT TRIGGERS A CORONAL MASS EJECTION, Astrophys. J., 813, 115, 2015.
371.C. Zhu, R. Liu, D. Alexander, X. Sun, and R.T. J. McAteer, Complex Flare Dynamics Initiated by a Filament-Filament Interaction, Astrophys. J., 813, 60, 2015.
370.Liu, Jiajia, Yuming Wang, Chenglong Shen, Kai Liu, Zonghao Pan, and S. Wang, A Solar Coronal Jet Event Triggers A Coronal Mass Ejection, Astrophys. J., 813, 115(6pp), 2015. (Highlighted by AAS,
369.L Feng, Y Wang, F Shen, C Shen, B Inhester, L Lu, and W Gan, Why does the apparent mass of a coronal mass ejection increase?, Astrophys. J., 812 (1), 70, 2015.
368.Feng, L., Yuming Wang*, Fang Shen, Chenglong Shen, Bernd Inhester, Lei Lu, and Weiqun Gan, Why Does the Apparent Mass of a Coronal Mass Ejection Increase?, Astrophys. J., 812, 70(12pp), 2015.
367.Yang,Z. W., Y. D. Liu, J. D. Richardson, Quanming Lu, C. Huang, and R. Wang, Impact of pickup ions on the shock front nonstationarity and energy dissipation of the heliospheric termination shock: two-dimensional full particle simulations and comparison with Voyager 2 observations, Astrophys. J., 809, 28, 2015.
366.Wu, M. Y., Y. F. Hao, Quanming Lu, C. Huang, F. Guo, and S. Wang, The role of large amplitude upstream low-frequency waves in the generation of superthermal ions at a quasi-parallel collisionless shock: Cluster Observations, Astrophys. J., 808, 2, 2015.
365.Wang, C. B., A Scenario for the Fine Structures of Solar Type IIIb Radio Bursts Based on Electron Cyclotron Maser Emission, Astrophys. J., 806, 34, 2015.
364.Liu, Jiajia, Scott W. McIntosh, Ineke De Moortel, and Yuming Wang, On the Parallel and Perpendicular Propagating Motions Visible in Polar Plumes: An Incubator For (Fast) Solar Wind Acceleration?, Astrophys. J., 806, 273(7pp), 2015.
363.Song, H. Q., J. Zhang, Y. Chen, X. Cheng, G. Li, and Y. M. Wang, First taste of hot channel in interplanetary space, Astrophys. J., 803, 96(8pp), 2015.
362.K Liu, Y Wang, J Zhang, X Cheng, R Liu, and C Shen, Extremely Large EUV Late Phase of Solar Flares, Astrophys. J., 802 (1), 35, 2015.
361.Liu, Kai, Wang, Yuming, Zhang, Jie, Cheng, Xin, Liu, Rui, and Shen, Chenglong, Extremely Large EUV Late Phase of Solar Flares, Astrophys. J., 802, 35, 2015.
360.Liu, Kai, Yuming Wang, Jie Zhang, Xin Cheng, Rui Liu, and Chenglong Shen, Extremely Large EUV Late Phase of Solar Flares, Astrophys. J., 802, 35(9pp), 2015.
358.Chang Liu, Na Deng, Rui Liu, Jeongwoo Lee, Etienne Pariat, Thomas Wiegelmann, Yang Liu, Lucia Kleint, and Haimin Wang, A Circular-Ribbon Solar Flare Following An Asymmetric Filament Eruption, Astrophys. J. Lett., 812, L19, 2015.
357.Song, Hongqiang, Yao Chen, Jie Zhang, Xin Cheng, Bing Wang, Qiang Hu, Gang Li, and Yuming Wang, EVIDENCE OF THE SOLAR EUV HOT CHANNEL AS A MAGNETIC FLUX ROPE FROM REMOTE-SENSING AND IN-SITU OBSERVATIONS, Astrophys. J. Lett., 808, L15(6pp), 2015.
356.Xudong Sun, Monica Bobra, Todd Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Yan Li, Chenglong Shen, Sebastien Couvidat, Aimee Norton, and George H. Fisher, Why Is the Great Solar Active Region 12192 Flare-Rich But CME-Poor?, Astrophys. J. Lett., 804, L28, 2015.
355.Zhao, G. Q.; Wu, D. J.; Wang, C. B., A study of line widths and kinetic parameters of ions in the solar corona, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 353, 373, 2015.
354.Wang, H. Y., C. Huang, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, On the gradient of the electron pressure in anti-parallel magnetic reconnection, Chinese Phys. Lett., 32, 045201, 2015.
353.He, P., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, and J. S. Zhao, Parametric instabilities of parallel propagating circularly polarized Alfven waves: One-dimensional hybrid simulations, Chinese Phys. Lett., 32, 115202, 2015.
352.Su, Zhenpeng, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Chao Shen, Min Zhang, Shui Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, D. N. Baker, and J. R. Wygant, Disappearance of plasmaspheric hiss following interplanetary shock, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(9), 3129-3140, 2015.
351.Zhu, Hui, Zhenpeng Su, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Chao Shen, Tao Xian, Shui Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, and D. N. Baker, Plasmatrough exohiss waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Evidence for leakage from plasmasphere and resonant scattering of radiation belt electrons, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(4), 1012-1019, 2015.
350.Huang, C., Quanming Lu, F. Guo, M. Y. Wu, A. M. Du, and S. Wang, Magnetic islands formed due to the Kelvin-Helmholz instability in the outflow region of collisionless magnetic reconnection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 7282-7286, 2015.
349.Li,X. X., X. Tao, Quanmin Lu, and L. Dai, Bounce resonance diffusion coefficients for spatially confined waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 9591-9599, 2015.
348.Zhu, H., Su, Z. P.*, Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Shen, C., Xian, T., Wang, S., Kletzing, C. A., Kurth, W. S., Hospodarsky, G. B., Spence, H. E., Reeves, G. D. Funsten, H. O., Blake, J. B., and Baker, D. N., Plasmatrough exohiss waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Evidence for leakage from plasmasphere and resonant scattering of radiation belt electrons, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 1012-1019, 2015.
347.Su, Z. P., Zhu, H., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Shen, C., Zhang, M., Wang, S., Kletzing, C. A., Kurth, W. S., Hospodarsky, G. B., Spence, H. E. Reeves, G. D., Funsten, H. O., Blake, J. B., and Baker, D. N., Disappearance of plasmaspheric hiss following interplanetary shock, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 3129-3140, 2015.
346.Dai, L., Wang, C., Duan, S. P., He, Z. H., Wygant, J. R., Cattell, C. A., Tao, X., Su, Z. P., Kletzing C. A., Baker, D. N., Li, X. L., Malaspina, D., Blake, J. B., Fennell, J., Claudepierre, S., Turner, D. L. Reeves, G. D. Funsten, H. O., Spence, H. E., Angelopoulos V. Fruehauff D., Chen L. J., Thaller, S., Breneman, A., and Tang X. W., Near-Earth injection of MeV electrons associated with intense dipolarization electric fields: Van Allen Probes observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 6170-6179, 2015.
345.Hui Zhu, Zhenpeng Su, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Chao Shen, Tao Xian, Shui Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, and D. N. Baker, Plasmatrough exohiss waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Evidence for leakage from plasmasphere and resonant scattering of radiation belt electrons, Geophys. Res. Lett., , 2015.
344.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Chao Shen, Min Zhang, Shui Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, and D. N. Baker, Disappearance of plasmaspheric hiss following interplanetary shock, Geophys. Res. Lett., , 2015.
343.Y Wang, Z Zhou, C Shen, R Liu, and S Wang, , J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 120 (3), 1543-1565, 2015.
342.Huang, C., M. Y. Wu, Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, and S. Wang, Electron acceleration in the dipolarization front driven by magnetic reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 120, 1759-1765, 2015.
341.Gao, X. L., W. Li, J. Bortnik, R. M. Thorne, Quanming Lu, Q. L. Ma, X. Tao, and S. Wang, The effect of different solar wind parameters upon significant relativistic electron flux dropouts in the magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 120, 4324-4337, 2015.
340.Lu,S., Quanming Lu, Y. Lin, X. Y. Wang,, Y. S. Ge, R. S. Wang, M. Zhou, H. S. Fu, C. Huang, M. Y. Wu, and S. Wang, Dipolarization fronts as earthward propagating flux ropes: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 120, 6286-6300, 2015.
339.Wu, M. Y., C. Huang, Quanming Lu, M. Volwerk, R. Nakamura, Z. Voros, T. L.Zhang, and S. Wang, In situ observations of multistage electron acceleration in magnetic reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 120, 6320-6331, 2015.
338.Wang, G. Q., Y. S. Ge, T. L. Zhang, R. Nakamura, M. Volwerk, W. Baumjohann, A. M. Du, and Quanming Lu, A statistical analysis of Pi2-band waves in the plasma sheet and their relation to magnetospheric drivers, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 120, 6167-6175, 2015.
337.Wang, Yuming, Zhenjun Zhou, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, and S. Wan, Investigating plasma motion of magnetic clouds at 1 AU through a velocity-modified cylindrical force-free flux rope model, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 120, 1543 - 1563, 2015.
336.Wang, Yuming, Zhenjun Zhou, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, and S. Wang, Investigating plasma motion of magnetic clouds at 1 AU through a velocity-modified cylindrical force-free flux rope model,, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 120, 1543, 2015.
335.Wang, Yuming, Zhenjun Zhou, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, and S. Wang, Investigating plasma motion of magnetic clouds at 1 AU through a velocity-modified cylindrical force-free flux rope model, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 120, 1543-1565, 2015.
334.Xiao, F. L., Yang, C., Su, Z. P., Zhou, Q. H., He, Z. G., He, Y. H., Baker, D. N., Spence, H. E., Funsten, H. O., and Blake, J. B., Wave-driven butterfly distribution of Van Allen belt relativistic electrons, Nat. Comm., 6, 8590, 2015.
333.Su, Z. P., Zhu, H., Xiao, F. L., Zong, Q.-G., Zhou, X.-Z., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Wang, S., Hao, Y.-X., Gao, Z. L., He, Z. G., Baker, D. N., Spence, H. E., Reeves, G. D., Blake, J. B., and Wygant, J. R., Ultra-low-frequency wave-driven diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons, Nat. Comm., 6, 10096, 2015.
332.Su, Zhenpeng, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Qiugang Zong, Xuzhi Zhou, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, S. Wang, Y.-X. Hao, Zhonglei Gao, Zhaoguo He, Daniel Baker, Harlan Spence, Geoffrey Reeves, J Blake, and John Wygant, Ultra low frequency wave-driven diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons, Nat. Comm., 6, 10096, 2015.
331.Shan, L. C., Quanming Lu,, Christian Mazelle, C. Huang, T.L. Zhang, M. Y. Wu, X. L. Gao, and S. Wang, The shape of the Venusian bow shock at solar minimum and maximum: Revisit based on VEX observations, Planet. & Space Sci., 109-110, 32-37, 2015.
330.Hui Zhu, Observations and simulations on wave-particle interactions in the inner magnetosphere, Ph.D Dissertation, , 2015.
329.Wu, C. S.; Yoon, P. H.; Wang, C. B., A theory of heating of quiet solar corona, Phys. Plasmas, 22, 032901, 2015.
328.Guo, Z. F., M. H. Hong,, Y. Lin, A. M. Du, X. Y. Wang, M. Y. Wu, and Quanming Lu, Generation of kinetic Alfven waves in the high-latitude near-Earth magnetotail: A global hybrid simulation, Phys. Plasmas, 22, 022117, 2015.
327.Lu,S., Y. Lin, Quanming Lu, X. Y. Wang, R. S. Wang, C. Huang, M. Y. Wu, and S. Wang, Evolution of flux ropes in the magnetotail: A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation, Phys. Plasmas, 22, 052901, 2015.
326.Zhou, F. S., C. Huang, Quanming Lu, J. L. Xie, and S. Wang, The evolution of the ion diffusion region during collisionless magnetic reconnection in a force-free current sheet, Phys. Plasmas, 22, 092110, 2015.
325.Tingyu Gou, Rui Liu*, and Yuming Wang, Do All Candle-Flame-Shaped Flares Have the Same Temperature Distribution?, Sol. Phys., 290, 2211-2230, 2015.
324.Gou, Tingyu, Rui, Liu*, and Yuming Wang, Do All Candle-Flame-Shaped Flares Have the Same Temperature Distribution?, Sol. Phys., 290, 2211-2230, 2015.
323.张卫, 史钰峰, 单旭, 李毅人, 郝新军, 缪彬, 徐春凯, 陈向军, 陆全明, 汪毓明, and 张铁龙, 空间低能离子探测器的紫外响应测试 (in Chinese), 原子核物理评论, 32, 358-362, 2015.
2014 Top
322.Wang, R. S, R. Nakamura, T. Zhang, A. Du, W. Baumjohann, Quanming Lu, and A. N. Fazakerley, Evidence of transient reconnection in the outflow jet of primary reconnection site, Ann. Geophys., 32, 1-10, 2014.
321.Lu, S, Quanming Lu, C. Huang, Q. L. Dong, J. Q. Zhu, Z. M. Sheng, S. Wang, and J. Zhang, Formation of super-Alfvénic electron jets during laser-driven magnetic reconnection at the Shenguang-II facility: particle-in-cell simulations, New J. Phys., 16, 083021, 2014.
320.Sun, J. C., X. L. Gao, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, The efficiency of ion stochastic heating by a monochromatic obliquely propagating low-frequency Alfven wave, Plasma Sci. & Tech., 16, 919-923, 2014.
319.Xiao, F. L., Zong, Q. G., Wang, Y. F., He, Z. G., Su, Z, P., Yang, C., and Zhou, Q. H., Generation of proton aurora by magnetosonic waves, Sci. Rep., 4, 5190, 2014.
318.Rui Liu,, Yuming Wang, and Chenglong Shen, Early Evolution of An Energetic Coronal Mass Ejection And Its Relation to EUV Waves, Astrophys. J., 797, 37, 2014.
317.Rui Liu, Yuming Wang, and Chenglong Shen, Early Evolution of An Energetic Coronal Mass Ejection And Its Relation to EUV Waves, Astrophys. J., 797, 37, 2014. (doi:10.1088/0004-637X/797/1/37)
316.Liu, Rui, Yuming Wang, and Chenglong Shen, Early Evolution of An Energetic Coronal Mass Ejection And Its Relation to EUV Waves, Astrophys. J., 797, 37(15pp), 2014.
315.Bernhard Kliem, Tibor Torok, Viacheslav S. Titov, Roberto Lionello, Jon A. Linker, Rui Liu, Chang Liu, and Haimin Wang, Slow Rise and Partial Eruption of a Double-Decker Filament. II A Double Flux Rope Model, Astrophys. J., 792, article id. 107, 2014. (DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/792/2/107)
314.Rui Liu, Viacheslav S. Titov, Tingyu Gou, Yuming Wang, Kai Liu, and Haimin Wang, An Unorthodox X-Class Long-Duration Confined Flare, Astrophys. J., 790, article id. 8, 2014. (doi:10.1088/0004-637X/790/1/8)
313.Rui Liu, Viacheslav Titov, Tingyu Gou, Yuming Wang, Kai Liu, and Haimin Wang, An Unorthodox X-Class Long-Duration Confined Flare, Astrophys. J., 790, 8(12pp), 2014.
312.Q Zhang, R Liu, Y Wang, C Shen, K Liu, J Liu, and S Wang, A Prominence Eruption Driven by Flux Feeding from Chromospheric Fibrils, Astrophys. J., 789(2), 133, 2014.
311.Quanhao Zhang, Rui Liu*, Yuming Wang, Chenglong Shen, Kai Liu, Jiajia Liu, and S. Wang, A Prominence Eruption Driven by Flux Feeding from Chromospheric Fibrils, Astrophys. J., 789, article id. 13, 2014. (doi:10.1088/0004-637X/789/2/133)
310.Zhang, Qanhao, Rui Liu*, Yuming Wang, Chenglong Shen, Kai Liu, Jiajia Liu, and Shui Wang, A prominence eruption driven by flux feeding from chromospheric fibrils, Astrophys. J., 789, 133(9pp), 2014.
309.Cheng, X., M. D. Ding, J. Zhang, X. D. Sun, Y. Guo, Y. M. Wang, B. Kliem, and Y. Y. Deng, Formation of a Double-Decker Magnetic Flux Rope in the Sigmoidal Solar Active Region 11520, Astrophys. J., 789, 93(12pp), 2014.
308.HongQiang Song, Jie Zhang, Xin Cheng, Yao Chen, Rui Liu, Yuming Wang, and Bo Li, Temperature Evolution of a Magnetic Flux Rope in a Failed Solar Eruption, Astrophys. J., 784, article id. 48, 2014.
307.H. Q. Song, J. Zhang, X. Cheng, Y. Chen, R. Liu, Y. M. Wang, and B. Li, Temperature evolution of a magnetic flux rope in a failed solar eruption, Astrophys. J., 784, 48(6pp), 2014.
306.J Liu, Y Wang, R Liu, Q Zhang, K Liu, C Shen, and S Wang, When and how does a prominence-like jet gain kinetic energy?, Astrophys. J., 782, 94, 2014.
305.Jiajia Liu, Yuming Wang, Rui Liu, Quanhao Zhang, Kai Liu, Chenglong Shen, and S. Wang, When and how does a Prominence-like Jet Gain Kinetic Energy?, Astrophys. J., 782, article id. 94, 2014.
304.Jiajia Liu, Yuming Wang*, Rui Liu, Quanhao Zhang, Kai Liu, Chenglong Shen, and S. Wang, When and how does a prominence-like jet gain kinetic energy?, Astrophys. J., 782, 94, 2014.
303.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, X. Li, Y. F Hao, X. Tao, and S. Wang, Ion dynamics during the parametric instabilities of a left-hand polarized Alfven wave in a proton-electron-alpha plasma, Astrophys. J., 780, 56, 2014.
302.Liu-Guan Ding, Gang Li, Yong Jiang, Gui-Ming Le, Cheng-Long Shen, Yu-Ming Wang, Yao Chen, Fei Xu, Bin Gu, and Ya-Nan Zhang, INTERACTION BETWEEN TWO CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS IN THE 2013 MAY 22 LARGE, Astrophys. J. Lett., 793, L35, 2014.
301.Ding, Liuguan, Gang Li*, Jiang Yong, Guiming Le, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Yao Chen, Fei Xu, Bin Gu, and Yanan Zhang, Interaction between two coronal mass ejections in the 2013 May 22 large solar energetic particle event, Astrophys. J. Lett., 793, L35(7pp), 2014.
300.Wu, M. Y., Quanming Lu, C. Huang, P. R. Wang, R. S. Wang, and S. Wang, Dissipation of an electron phase-space hole and its consequence on electron heating, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 352, 565-570, 2014.
299.Yushu Zhang, Hui Zhu, Lewei Zhang, Yihua He, Zhonglei Gao, Qinghua Zhou, Chang Yang, and Fuliang Xiao, Effect of low energy electron injection on storm-time evolution of radiation belt energetic electrons: three-dimensional modeling, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 352, 613-620, 2014.
298.Zhonglei Gao, Hui Zhu, Lewei Zhang, Qinghua Zhou, Chang Yang, and Fuliang Xiao, Test Particle Simulations of Interaction Between Monochromatic Chorus Waves and Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons, Astrophys. & Space Sci., , 2014.
297.He Zhaoguo, Hui Zhu, Siqing Liu, Qiugang Zong, Yongfu Wang, Ruilin Lin, Liqin Shi, and Jiancun Gong, Correlated observations and simulations on the buildup of radiation belt electron fluxes driven by substorm injections and chorus waves, Astrophys. & Space Sci., , 2014.
296.Liangwen Shi, Chenglong Shen*, and Yuming Wang, The internplanetary origins of geomagnetic storm with Dstmin<=-50nT in 2007 - 2012 (in chinese), Chinese J. Geophys., 57 (11), 3822-3833, 2014.
295.Gao, X. L., W. Li, R. M. Thorne, J. Bortnik, V.Angelopoulos, Quanming Lu, X. Tao, and S. Wang, New evidence for generation mechanisms of discrete and hiss-like whistler mode waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 4805-4801, 2014.
294.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, Y. V. Khotyaintsev, M. Volwerk, A. M.Du, R. Nakamura, W. D. Gonzalez, X. Sun, W. Baumjohann, X. Li, T. L. Zhang, A. N. Fazakerley, C. Huang, and M. Y. Wu, Observation of double layer in the separatrix region during magnetic reconnection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 4851-4858, 2014.
293.Tao, X, Quanming Lu, S. Wang, and L. Dai, Effects of magnetic field configuration on the day-night asymmetry of chorus occurrence rate: A numerical study, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 6577-6582, 2014.
292.Su, Z. P., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., He, Z. G., Zhu, H., Zhang, M., Shen, C., Wang, Y. M., Wang, S., Kletzing, C. A., Kurth, W. S., Hospodarsky, G. B., Spence, H. E., Reeves, G. D., Funsten, H. O., Blake, J. B., and Baker, D. N., Nonstorm-time dynamics of electron radiation belts observed by the Van Allen Probes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 229-235, 2014.
291.Zhenpeng Su, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Zhaoguo He, Hui Zhu, Min Zhang, C Shen, Yuming Wang, S. Wang, Craig Kletzing, William Kurth, George Hospodarsky, Harlan Spence, Geoffrey Reeves, Herbert Funsten, J. Blake, Daniel Baker, and John Wygant, Nonstorm-time dynamics of electron radiation belts observed by the Van Allen Probes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 229-235, 2014.
290.Zhenpeng Su, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Zhaoguo He, Hui Zhu, Min Zhang, Chao Shen, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, and D. N. Baker, Nonstorm time dynamics of electron radiation belts observed by the Van Allen Probes, Geophys. Res. Lett., , 2014.
289.Yuming Wang, Boyi Wang, Chenglong Shen, Fang Shen, and Noe Lugaz, Deflected propagation of a coronal mass ejection from the corona to interplanetary space, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119(7), 5117 - 5132, 2014.
288.Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Zonghao Pan, Bin Miao, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Full Halo Coronal Mass Ejections: Arrival at the Earth, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119(7), 5107 - 5116, 2014.
287.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Zhaoguo He, Chao Shen, Chenglong Shen, CB Wang, Rui Liu, Min Zhang, Shui Wang, CA Kletzing, WS Kurth, GB Hospodarsky, Harlan E Spence, GD Reeves, HO Funsten, JB Blake, DN Baker, and JR Wygant, Intense duskside lower band chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Generation and potential acceleration effect on radiation belt electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119(6), 4266-4273, 2014.
286.Su, Zhenpeng, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Q.-G. Zong, Zhaoguo He, Chao Shen, Min Zhang, Shui Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, and D. N. Baker, Quantifying the relative contributions of substorm injections and chorus waves to the rapid outward extension of electron radiation belt, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119(12), 10023-10040, 2014.
285.Fang Shen, Chenglong Shen, Jie Zhang, Phillip Hess, Yuming Wang, Xueshang Feng, Hongze Cheng, and Yi Yang, Evolution of the 2012 July 12 CME from the Sun to the Earth: Data-Constrained Three-Dimensional MHD Simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119 (9), 7128-7141, 2014.
284.Shan, L. C., Quanming Lu, M. Y. Wu, X. L. Gao, C. Huang, T. L. Zhang, and S. Wang, Transmission of large amplitude ULF waves through a quasi-parallel shock at Venus, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 237-245, 2014.
283.Huang, C., Quanming Lu, S. Lu, P. R. Wang, and S. Wang, The effect of a guide field on the structures of magnetic islands formed during multiple X line reconnection: two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 798-807, 2014.
282.Hao, Y. F., Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, C. Huang, S. Lu, L. C. Shan, and S. Wang, He2+ dynamics and ion cyclotron waves in the downstream of quasi-perpendicular shocks: 2D hybrid simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 3225-3226, 2014.
281.Lin, Y., X. Y. Wang, S. Lu, J. D. Perez, and Quanming Lu, Investigation of Storm-Time Magnetotail and Ion Injection Using Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 7413-7432, 2014.
280.Huang,C., Quanming Lu, P. R. Wang, M. Y. Wu, and S. Wang, Characteristics of electron holes generated in the separatrix region during anti-parallel magnetic reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 6445-6454, 2014.
279.Gao, X. L., W. Li, R. M. Thorne, J. Bortnik, V. Angelopoulos, Quanming Lu, X. Tao, and S. Wang, Statistical results describing the bandwidth and coherence coefficient of whistler mode waves using THEMIS waveform data, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 8992-9003, 2014.
278.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, A. M. Du, R.Nakamura, S. Lu, C. Huang, C. X. Liu, and M. Y. Wu, In situ observation of magnetic reconnection in the front of bursty bulk flow, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 9952-9961, 2014.
277.Xiao, F. L., Yang, C., He, Z. G., Su, Z. P., Zhou, Q. H., He, Y. H., Kletzing, C. A., Kurth, W. S., Hospodarsky, G. B., Spence, H. E., Reeves, G. D., Funsten, H. O., Blake, J. B., and Baker, D. N., Wave acceleration of radiation belt relativistic electrons during March 2013 geomagnetic storm, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 3325-3332, 2014.
276.Su, Z. P., Zhu, H., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., He, Z. G., Shen, C., Shen, C. L., Wang, C. B., Liu, R., Zhang, M., Wang, S., Kletzing, C. A., Kurth, W. S., Hospodarsky, G. B., Spence, H. E., Reeves, G. D. Funsten, H. O., Blake, J. B., and Baker, D. N., Intense duskside lower-band chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Generation and potential acceleration effect on radiation belt electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 4266-4273, 2014.
275.Su, Z. P., Zhu, H., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Wang, Y. M., Zong, Q.-G., He, Z. G., Shen, C., Zhang, M., Wang, S., Kletzing, C. A., Kurth, W. S., Hospodarsky, G. B., Spence, H. E., Reeves, G. D. Funsten, H. O., Blake, J. B., and Baker, D. N., Quantifying the relative contributions of substorm injections and chorus waves to the rapid outward extension of electron radiation belt, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 10023-10040, 2014.
274.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Zhaoguo He, Min Zhang, Chao Shen, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, H. E. Spence, G. D. Reeves, H. O. Funsten, J. B. Blake, and D. N. Baker, Intense duskside lower band chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Generation and potential acceleration effect on radiation belt electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 4266-4233, 2014.
273.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Zhaoguo He, Chao Shen, Chenglong Shen, Chuanbing Wang, Rui Liu, Bin Miao, Min Zhang, Shui Wang, Craig Kletzing, William Kurth, George Hospodarsky, Harlan Spence, Geoffrey Reeves, Herbert Funsten, J. Blake, Daniel Baker, and John Wygant, Intense duskside lower-band chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Generation and potential acceleration effect on radiation belt electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 4266-4273, 2014.
272.Yuming Wang, Boyi Wang, Chenglong Shen, Fang Shen, and Noe Lugaz, Deflected propagation of a coronal mass ejection from the corona to interplanetary space, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 5117-5132, 2014.
271.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, Zhaoguo He, Chao Shen, Chenglong Shen, Chuanbing Wang, Rui Liu, Bin Miao, Min Zhang, Shui Wang, Craig Kletzing, William Kurth, George Hospodarsky, Harlan Spence, Geoffrey Reeves, Herbert Funsten, J. Blake, Daniel Baker, and John Wygant, Intense duskside lower-band chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Generation and potential acceleration effect on radiation belt electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 4266-4273, 2014.
270.Shen, Chenglong, Yuming Wang, Zonghao Pan, Bin Miao, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Full Halo Coronal Mass Ejections: Arrival at the Earth, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 5107-5116, 2014.
269.Shen, Fang, Chenglong Shen, Jie Zhang, Phillip Hess, Yuming Wang, Xueshang Feng, Hongze Cheng, and Yi Yang, Evolution of the 12 July 2012 CME from the Sun to the Earth: Data-constrained three-dimensional MHD simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 119, 7128-7141, 2014.
268.Dmitriev, A. V., Suvorova, A. V., Chao, J. K., Wang, C. B., Rastaetter, L., Panasyuk, M. I. & Myagkova, I. N., Anomalous dynamics of the extremely compressed magnetosphere during 21 January 2005 magnetic storm, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 10.1002/2013JA019534, 2014.
267.Su, ZP et al., Intense duskside lower band chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Generation and potential acceleration effect on radiation belt electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., , 2014.
266.Wang, Yuming, Multiple magnetic clouds in interplanetary space: A review and perspective (in Chinese), J. Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China, 44(5), 100-105, 2014.
265.Wu, C. S.; Yoon, P. H.; Wang, C. B., Ion temperature in plasmas with intrinsic Alfven waves, Phys. Plasmas, 21, 104507, 2014.
264.Tao, X., and Quanming Lu, Formation of electron kappa distributions due to interactions with parallel propagating whistler waves, Phys. Plasmas, 21, 022901, 2014.
263.Su, Z. P., Zhu, H., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Zhang, M., Liu, Y., Shen, C., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Latitudinal dependence of nonlinear interaction between electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave and terrestrial ring current ions, Phys. Plasmas, 21, 052310, 2014.
262.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Min Zhang, Y. C.-M. Liu, Chao Shen, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Latitudinal dependence of nonlinear interaction between electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave and terrestrial ring current ions, Phys. Plasmas, 21, 052310, 2014.
261.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Min Zhang, Yong Liu, Chao Shen, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Latitudinal dependence of nonlinear interaction between electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave and terrestrial ring current ions, Phys. Plasmas, 21, doi:10.1063/1.4880036, 2014.
260.Wang, C. B.; Wang, Bin; Lee, L. C., Compound Effect of Alfven Waves and Ion-Cyclotron Waves on Heating/Acceleration of Minor Ions via the Pickup Process, Sol. Phys., 289, 2014.
259.Zhang, S. H., A. M. Du, X. S. Feng, X. Cao, Quanming Lu, Y. P. Yang, G. X Chen, and Y. Zhang, Electron Acceleration in a Dynamically Evolved Current Sheet Under Solar Coronal Conditions, Sol. Phys., 289, 1607-1623, 2014.
2013 Top
258.Shan, L. C., Quanming Lu, T. L. Zhang, X. L. Gao, C. Huang, Y. Q. Su, and S. Wang, Comparison between magnetic coplanarity and MVA methods in determining the normal of Venusian bow shock, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58, 2013.
257.Quanming Lu, S. Lu, C. Huang, M. Y. Wu, and S. Wang, Self-reinforcing process of the reconnection electric field in the electron diffusion region and onset of collisionless magnetic reconnection, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 55, 085019, 2013.
256.M. Y. Wu, Quanming Lu, J. Zhu, P. R. Wang, and S. Wang, Electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations of electron holes formed during the electron two-stream instabilty, Plasma Science and Technology, 15, 17, 2013.
255.Zong, Q.-G., Yuan, C. J., Wang, Y. F., and Su, Z. P., Dynamic variation and the fast acceleration of particles in Earth's radiation belt, Sci. China-Earth Sci., 56, 1118-1140, 2013.
254.Xiao, F. L., Zong, Q. G., Su, Z. P., Yang, C., He, Z. G., Wang, Y. Fu., and Gao, Z. L., Determining the mechanism of cusp proton aurora, Sci. Rep., 3, 1654, 2013.
253.Yuming Wang, Zhenjun Zhou, Jiajia Liu, Chenglong Shen, and Shui Wang, Dynamic processes of coronal mass ejections in interplanetary space (Chinese Version), Science China:Earth Sciences, 43, 6:934-950, 2013.
252.Yuming Wang, Zhenjun Zhou, Jiajia Liu, Chenglong Shen, and Shui Wang, Dynamic process of coronal mass ejections in interplanetary space (in Chinese), Science in China, 43(6), 934-950, 2013.
251.Rui Liu, Chang Liu, Yan Xu, Wei Liu, Bernhard Kliem, and Haimin Wang, Observation of A Moreton Wave and Wave-Filament Interactions Associated with the Renowned X9 Flare on 1990 May 24, Astrophys. J., 773, 166, 2013. (doi:10.1088/0004-637X/773/2/166)
250.Kai Liu, Jie Zhang, Yuming Wang, and Xin Cheng, ON THE ORIGIN OF THE EXTREME-ULTRAVIOLET LATE PHASE OF SOLAR FLARES, Astrophys. J., 768, 150(13pp), 2013.
249.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, X. Li, L. C. Shan, and S. Wang, Electromagnetic proton/proton instability and its implications for ion heating in the extended fast solar wind, Astrophys. J., 764, 71, 2013.
248.C. Shen, G. Li, X. Kong, J. Hu, X. D. Sun, L. Ding, Y. Chen, and Yuming Wang, Compound twin coronal mass ejections in the 17 May 2012 GLE event, Astrophys. J., 763, 114, 2013.
247.Yuming Wang, Lijuan Liu, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, and S. Wang, Waiting Times of Quasi-homologous Coronal Mass Ejections from Super Active Regions, Astrophys. J., 763, L43, 2013.
246.C. Shen, G. Li, X. Kong, J. Hu, X. D. Sun, L. Ding, Y. Chen, Yuming Wang, and L. Xia, Compound twin coronal mass ejections in the 2012 May 17 GLE event, Astrophys. J., 763, 114, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/763/2/114, 2013.
245.Quanming Lu, L. C. Shan, T.L Zhang, G. P. Zank, Z. W. Yang, M. Y. Wu, A. M. Du, and S. Wang, The role of pickup ions on the structure of the Venusian bow shock and its implications for the termination shock, Astrophys. J. Lett., 773, L24, 2013.
244.Yuming Wang,, Lijuan Liu,, and Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, WAITING TIMES OF QUASI-HOMOLOGOUS CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS FROM SUPER ACTIVE REGIONS, Astrophys. J. Lett., 763, L43, 2013.
243.Yuming Wang, Lijuan Liu, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Waiting Times of Quasi-homologous Coronal Mass Ejections from Super Active Regions, Astrophys. J. Lett., 763, L43, 2013. (
242.Yuming Wang, Lijuan Liu, Chenglong Shen, Rui Liu, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Waiting Times of Quasi-homologous Coronal Mass Ejections from Super Active Regions, Astrophys. J. Lett., 763, L43, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/763/2/L43, 2013.
241.Hao, Y. F., Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, L. C. Shan, and S. Wang, Particle acceleration at shock waves with composite turbulence, Chinese J. Geophys., 56, 2171-2176, 2013.
240.Liangwen Shi, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, and Fang Shen, Research Progresses in Modeling the Propagation of Solar Wind Disturbances (in Chinese), Progress in Astron., 3, 267-286, 2013.
239.Wang Chuan-Bing; Wei Jing-Dong; Wang Bin; Wang Shui, Physical Process for the Pick-Up of Minor Ions by Low-Frequency Alfven Waves, Chinese Phys. Lett., 30, 2013.
238.Zhang, Z. C., Quanming Lu, Q. L. Dong, S. Lu, C. Huang, M. Y. Wu, Z. M. Sheng, S. Wang, and J. Zhang, Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Laser-Plasma Interactions, Chinese Phys. Lett., 30, 045201, 2013.
237.Wang, P. R, C. Huang, Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, and S. Wang, Numerical Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection in an Asymmetric Current Sheet, Chinese Phys. Lett., 30, 125202, 2013.
236.Zhu, H., Su, Z. P., and Zheng, H. N., Counter-streaming interaction between fast magnetosonic wave and radiation belt electrons, Chinese Phys. Lett., 30, 059401, 2013.
235.ZHU Hui, SU Zhen-Peng, and ZHENG Hui-Nan, Counter-Streaming Interaction between Fast Magnetosonic Wave and Radiation Belt Electrons, Chinese Phys. Lett., 30, 059401, 2013.
234.Wang, R. S., A. M. Du, R. Nakamura, Quanming Lu, Y. V. Khotyaintsev, M. Volwerk, T. L. Zhang, E. A. Kronberg, P. W. Daly, and A. N. Fazakerley, Observation of multiple sub-cavities adjacent to single separatrix, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, doi:10.1002/grl.50537, 2013.
233.Fang Shen, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang*, Xueshang Feng, and Changqing Xiang, Could the collision of CMEs in the heliosphere be super-elastic? --- Validation through three-dimensional simulations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1-5, 2013. (doi:10.1002/grl.50336)
232.Fang Shen, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang*, Xueshang Feng, and Changqing Xiang, Could the collision of CMEs in the heliosphere be super-elastic? --- Validation through three-dimensional simulations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1457-1461, doi:10.1002/grl.50336, 2013. (Cover Story,; AGU Spotlight: Eos, 94(25),2013;)
231.Qiu, Q., H. G. Yang, Quanming Lu, Q. H. Zhang, D. S. Han, and Z. J. HU, Widths of dayside auroral arcs observed at the Chinese Yellow River Station, J. Atoms. Sol.-Terres. Phys., 102, 222-227, 2013.
230.C.Huang, Quanming Lu, M. Y. Wu, S. Lu, and S. Wang, Out-of-plane electron currents in magnetic islands formed during collisionless magnetic reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, 991-996, 2013.
229.Wang, C., Z. Y. Xia, Z. Peng, and Quanming Lu, Estimating the open magnetic flux from the interplanetary and ionospheric conditions, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, doi;10.1002/jgra.50255, 2013.
228.Wu, M.Y., M. Volwerk, QuanMing Lu, Z. Voros, R. Nakamura, and T. L. Zhang, The proton temperature anisotropy associated with bursty bulk flows in the magnetotail, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, 4875-4883, 2013.
227.Wu, M. Y., QuanMing Lu, M. Volwerk, Z. Voros, T.L. Zhang, L. C. Shan, and C. Huang, A statistical study of electron acceleration behind the dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, 4804-4810, 2013.
226.Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Zonghao Pan, Min Zhang, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Full halo coronal mass ejections: Do we need to correct the projection effect in terms of velocity?, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, 1-8, 2013. (doi:.1002/2013JA018872)
225.Su, Z. P., Zhu, H., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Shen, C., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Latitudinal dependence of nonlinear interaction between electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave and radiation belt relativistic electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, 3188-3202, 2013.
224.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Chao Shen, Yuming Wang, and and Shui Wang, latitudinal dependence of nonlinear interaction between electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave and radiation belt relativistic electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, 1-15, 2013.
223.Z. J. Rong, W. X. Wan, C. Shen, T. L. Zhang, A. T. Y. Lui, Yuming Wang, M. W. Dunlop, Y. C. Zhang, and Q.-G. Zong, Method for inferring the axis orientation of cylindrical magnetic flux rope based on single-point measurement, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, 1-13, doi:10.1029/2012JA018079, 2013.
222.Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Zonghao Pan, Min Zhang, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Full halo coronal mass ejections: Do we need to correct the projection effect in terms of velocity?, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, 6858-6865, doi:10.1002/2013JA018872, 2013.
221.Su, Z. P., Zhu, H., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Shen, C., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Latitudinal dependence of nonlinear interaction between electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave and radiation belt relativistic electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 118, 3188-3202, doi:10.1002/jgra.50289, 2013.
220.Rui Liu, Dynamical Processes at the Vertical Current Sheet behind an Erupting Flux Rope, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 434, 1309-1320, 2013. (doi: 10.1093/mnras/stt1090)
219.Weng, C. J.; Lee, L. C.; Kuo, C. L.; Wang, C. B., Effects of ion-neutral collisions on Alfven waves: The presence of forbidden zone and heavy damping zone, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 2013.
218.Lu, S., Quanming Lu, C. Huang, and S. Wang, The transfer between electron bulk kinetic energy and thermal energy in collisionless magnetic reconnection, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 061203, 2013.
217.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, X. Li, L. C. Shan, and S. Wang, Parametric instability of a monochromatic Alfven wave: Perpendicular decay in low beta plasma, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 072902, 2013.
216.Gao, X.L., Quanming Lu, X. Tao, Y. F. Hao, and S. Wang, Effects of alpha beam on the parametric decay of a parallel propagating circularly polarized Alfven wave: hybrid simulations, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 092106, 2013.
215.Yang, Z. W., Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, C. Huang, H. G. Yang, Y. Liu, H. Q. Hu, and D. S. Han, Magnetic ramp scale at supercritical collisionless shocks: Full particle electromagnetic simulations, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 092116, 2013.
214.Lu, S., Quanming Lu, Q. L. Dong, C. Huang, S. Wang, J. Q. Zhu, Z. M. Sheng, and J. Zhang, Particle-in-cell simulations of magnetic reconnection in laser-plasma experiments on SG-II facility, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 112110, 2013.
213.Chenglong Shen, Chijian Liao, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, and Shui Wang, Source region of the decameter--Hectometric type II radio burst: Shock--streamer interaction region, Sol. Phys., 282, 543-552,Doi:10.1007/s11207-012-0161-z, 2013.
212.Chenglong Shen, Chijian Liao, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, and Shui Wang, Source region of the decameter-Hectometric type II radio burst: Shock-streamer interaction region, Sol. Phys., 282, 543-552, doi:10.1007/s11207-012-0161-z, 2013.
211.苏振鹏,肖伏良,郑惠南, 辐射带高能电子动力学演化模型, 《空间物理学进展》, 第四卷, 410-429, 2013.
210.史良文, 申成龙, 汪毓明, and 沈芳, 太阳风扰动传输模式研究进展, 天文学进展, 31, 3, 2013.
2012 Top
209.Wu, Mingyu, Quanming Lu, J. Zhu, A. M. Du, and S. Wang, The magnetic structures of electron phase-space holes formed in the electron two-stream instability, Astrophys. Space Sci., 338, 81-85, 2012.
208.Lin, Y., J. Johnson, X. Y. Wang, and Quanming Lu, Simulation of mode conversion at the magnetopause, Chin. Sci. Bull., 57, 1375-1383, 2012.
207.Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang*, Shui Wang, Ying Liu, Rui Liu, Angelos Vourlidas, Bin Miao, Pinzhong Ye, Jiajia Liu, and Zhenjun Zhou, Super-elastic Collision of Large-scale Magnetized Plasmoids in The Heliosphere, Nature Physics, 8, 923-928,DOI:10.1038/NPHYS2440, 2012.
206.Xiao, F. L., Zong, Q.-G., Su, Z. P., He, Z. G., Wang, C. R., and Tang, L. J., Correlated observations of intensified whistler waves and electron acceleration around the geostationary orbit, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 54, 035004, 2012.
205.Jiajia Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, Yuming Wang, Rui Liu, Bin Wang, Chijian Liao, Chenglong Shen, Huinan Zheng, Bin Miao, Zhenpeng Su, and S. Wang, Slow Magneto-acoustic Waves Observed above Quiet-Sun Region in a Dark Cavity, Astrophys. J., 758, L26, 2012.
204.Liu, J. J., Zhou, Z. J., Wang, Y. M., Liu, R., Wang, B., Liao, C. J., Shen, C. L., Zheng, H. N., Miao, B., Su, Z. P., and Wang, S., Slow magneto-acoustic waves observed above quiet-sun region in a dark cavity, Astrophys. J., 758, L26, 2012.
203.Rui Liu, Chang Liu, Tibor Torok, Yuming Wang, and Haimin Wang, Contracting and Erupting Components of Sigmoidal Active Regions, Astrophys. J., 757, 150, 2012.
202.Rui Liu, Chang Liu, Tibor Torok, Yuming Wang, and Haimin Wang, Contracting and Erupting Components of Sigmoidal Active Regions, Astrophys. J., 757, 150, 2012.
201.Rui Liu, Bernhard Kliem, Tibor Torok, Chang Liu, Viacheslav S. Titov, Roberto Lionello, Jon A. Linker, and Haimin Wang, Slow Rise and Partial Eruption of a Double-Decker Filament. I Observations and Interpretation, Astrophys. J., 756, 59, 2012.
200.Sung-Hong Park, Kyung-Suk Cho, Su-Chan Bong, Pankaj Kumar, Jongchul Chae, Rui Liu, and Haimin Wang, The Occurrence and Speed of CMEs Related to Two Characteristic Evolution Patterns of Helicity Injection in their Solar Source Regions, Astrophys. J., 750, article id. 48, 2012. (
199.Shuo Wang, Chang Liu, Rui Liu, Na Den, Yang Liu, and Haimin Wang, Response of the Photospheric Magnetic Field to the X2.2 Flare on 2011 February 15, Astrophys. J., 745, L17, 2012. (
198.Chang Liu, Na Deng, Rui Liu, Jeongwoo Lee, Thomas Wiegelmann, Ju Jing, Yan Xu, Shuo Wang, and Haimin Wang, Rapid Changes of Photospheric Magnetic Field after Tether-cutting Reconnection and Magnetic Implosion, Astrophys. J., 745, L4, 2012. (
197.Kai Liu, Yuming Wang, Chenglong Shen, and Shui Wang, Critical Height for the Destabilization of Solar Prominences: Statistical Results from STEREO Observations, Astrophys. J., 744, 168, 2012.
196.Kai Liu, Yuming Wang*, Chenglong Shen, and Shui Wang, Critical Height for the Destabilization of Solar Prominences: Statistical Results from STEREO Observations, Astrophys. J., 744, 168(10pp), 2012.
195.Jiajia Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, Yuming Wang, Rui Liu, Bin Wang, Chijian Liao, Chenglong Shen, Huinan Zheng, Bin Miao, Zhenpeng Su, and S. Wang, Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves Observed above a Quiet-Sun Region in a Dark Cavity, Astrophys. J. Lett., 758, L26, 2012. (
194.Jiajia Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, Yuming Wang*, Rui Liu, Bin Wang, Chijian Liao, Chenglong Shen, Huinan Zheng, Bin Miao, Zhenpeng Su, and S. Wang, Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves Observed above a Quiet-Sun Region in a Dark Cavity, Astrophys. J. Lett., 758, L26(6pp), 2012.
193.Su, Y. Q., and Quanming Lu, Cross-Shock Electrostatic Potential and Ion Reflection in Quasi-Parallel supercritical collisionless shock, Chinese Phys. Lett., 29, 089601, 2012.
192.Zhu, H., Su, Z. P., and Zheng, H. N., Normal-angle dependence of the interaction between radiation belt electrons and fast magnetosonic waves, Chinese Phys. Lett., 29, 109401, 2012.
191.ZHU Hui, SU Zhen-Peng, and ZHENG Hui-Nan, Normal-Angle Dependence of the Interaction between Radiation Belt Electrons and Fast Magnetosonic Waves, Chinese Phys. Lett., 29, 109401, 2012.
190.Zhang, T. L., W. Baumjohann, W. L. Teh, R. Nakamura, C. T. Russell, J. G. Luhmann, K. H. Glassmeier, E. D. Dubinin, H. Y. Wei, A. M. Du, Quanming Lu, S. Wang, and M. Balikhin, Giant flux ropes observed in the magnetized ionosphere at Venus, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L23103, 2012.
189.Xiao, F. L., Zhang, S., Su, Z. P., He, Z. G., and Tang, L. J., Rapid acceleration of radiation belt energetic electrons by Z-mode waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L03103, 2012.
188.Wang, R. S., R. Nakamura, Quanming Lu, A. M. Du, T. L. Zhang, and W. Baumjohann et al., Asymmetry in the current sheet and secondary magnetic flux ropes during guide field magnetic reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 117, A07223, 2012.
187.Yang, Z. W., B. Lembege, and Quanming Lu, Impact of the rippling of a perpendicular shock front on ion dynanmics, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 117, A07222, 2012.
186.Su, Y. Q., Quanming Lu, C. Huang, M. Y. Wu, X. L. Gao, and S. Wang, Particle acceleration and generation of diffuse superthermal ions at a quasi-parallel collisionless shock: Hybrid simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 117, A08107, 2012.
185.Su, Z. P., Zhu, H., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Shen, C., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Bounce-averaged advection and diffusion coefficients for monochromatic electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave: Comparison between test-particle and quasi-linear models, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 117, A09222, 2012.
184.Zhu, H., Su, Z. P.*, Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., Shen, C., Wang, Y. M., and Wang, S., Nonlinear interaction between ring current protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 117, A12217, 2012.
183.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Chao Shen, Yuming Wang, and and Shui Wang, Bounce-averaged advection and diffusion coefficients for monochromatic electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave: Comparison between test-particle and quasi-linear models, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 117, A09222, 2012.
182.Hui Zhu, Zhenpeng Su, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Chao Shen, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Nonlinear interaction between ring current protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 117, A12217, 2012.
181.Zhenpeng Su, Hui Zhu, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, C Chen, Yuming Wang, and S. Wang, Bounce-averaged advection and diffusion coefficients for monochromatic electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave: Comparison between test-particle and quasi-linear models, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 117, A09222, 2012.
180.Hui Zhu, Zhenpeng Su, Fuliang Xiao, Huinan Zheng, Chao Shen, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Nonlinear interaction between ring current protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 117, A12217, 2012.
179.Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Shui Wang, Ying Liu, Rui Liu, Angelos Vourlidas, Bin Miao, Pinzhong Ye, Jiajia Liu, and Zhenjun Zhou, Super-elastic Collision of Large-scale Magnetized Plasmoids in the Heliosphere, Nat. Phys., 8, 923, 2012. (
178.Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang*, Shui Wang, Ying Liu, Rui Liu, Angelos Vourlidas, Bin Miao, Pinzhong Ye, Jiajia Liu, and Zhenjun Zhou, Super-elastic Collision of Large-scale Magnetized Plasmoids in the Heliosphere, Nat. Phys., 8, 923-928, doi:10.1038/NPHYS2440, 2012. (Featured as the cover,; Highlighted in Editors' Choice of SCIENCE,;)
177.Wu, C. S.; Wang, C. B.; Wu, D. J.; Lee, K. H., Resonant wave-particle interactions modified by intrinsic Alfvenic turbulence, Phys. Plasmas, 19, 2012.
176.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, X. Li, C. Huang, and S. Wang, Heating of the background plasma by obliquely propagating Alfven waves excited in the electromagnetic alpha/proton instability, Phys. Plasmas, 19, 032901, 2012.
175.Huang, C., Quanming Lu, H. Zhang, M. Y. Wu, Q. L. Dong, S. Lu, and S. Wang, Kinetic simulations of the structures of magnetic island in multiple X line guide field reconnection, Phys. Plasmas, 19, 042111, 2012.
174.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, M. Y. Wu, and S. Wang, Ion stochastic heating by obliquely propagating magnetosonic waves, Phys. Plasmas, 19, 062111, 2012.
173.Su, Y. Q., Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, C. Huang, and S. Wamg, Ion dynamics at supercritical quasi-parallel shocks: hybrid simulations, Phys. Plasmas, 19, 092108, 2012.
172.Dong, Q. L., S. J. Wang, Quanming Lu, C. Huang, and D. W. Yuan et al., Plasmoid ejection and secondary current sheet generation from magnetic reconnection in laser-plasma interaction, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 215001, 2012.
171.Zhang, T. L., Quanming Lu, W. Baumjohann, C. T. Rusell, A. Fedorov, S. Barabash, A. J. Coates, A. M. Du, J. B. Cao, R. Nakamura, W. L. Teh, R. S. Wang, X. K. Dou, S. Wang, K. H. Glassmeier, H. U. Auster, and M. Balikhin, Magnetic reconnection in the near Venusian magnetotail, Science, 336, 567, doi:10.1126/science.1217013, 2012.
2011 Top
170.Lu, S., Quanming Lu, Y. Cao, C. Huang, J. L. Xie, and S. Wang, The effects of the guide field on the structures of electron density depletions in collisionless magnetic reconnection, Chinese Science Bulletin, 56, 48-52, 2011.
169.Quanming Lu, R. S. Wang, J. L. Xie, C. Huang, S. Lu, and S. Wang, Electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection, Chinese Science Bulletin, 56, 1174-1181, 2011. (review paper)
168.Quanming Lu (eds.), Space Physics and Space Weather, Chinese Science Bulletin, 56, 1173, 2011.
167.Huang, C., Quanming Lu, Z. W. Yang, M. Y. Wu, Q. L. Dong, and S. Wang, The evolution of electron current sheet and formation of secondary islands in guide field reconnection, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 18, 727-733, 2011.
166.Rui Liu, Dynamics of solar eruptive filaments, ProQuest, UMI Dissertation Publishing, , 2011. (260 pages; ISBN: 1243618000 / 978-1-243-61800-9)
165.Rui Liu, Tong-Jiang Wang, Jeongwoo Lee, Guillermo Stenborg, Chang Liu, Sung-Hong Park, and Haimin Wang, Observing the reconnection region in a transequatorial loop system, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 11, 1209-1228, 2011. (
164.Yuan-Deng Shen, Yu Liu, and Rui Liu, A time series of filament eruptions observed by three eyes from space: from failed to successful eruptions, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 11, 594-606, 2011. (
163.Quanming Lu and C. Wang (eds.), A collected works on the solar-terrestrial space physics, University of Science and Technology of China Press, Hefei, January, 2011. (book)
162.Liu, Yong C.-M., M. Opher, Yuming Wang, and T. I. Gombosi, Downstream structure and evolution of a simulated CME-driven sheath in the solar corona, Astron. & Astrophys., 527, A46, doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201014384, 2011.
161.Wu Ji, Sun Weiying, Zheng Jianhua, Zhang Cheng, Liu Hao, Yan Jingye, Wang Chi, Wang Chuanbing, and Wang Shui, Imaging interplanetary CMEs at radio frequency from solar polar orbit, Adv. Space Res., , doi:10.1016/j.asr.2011.05.001, 2011.
160.Chang Liu, Na Deng, Rui Liu, Ignacio Ugarte-Urra, Shuo Wang, and Haimin Wang, A Standard-to-blowout Jet, Astrophys. J., 735, L18, 2011. (
159.Gao, X. L., Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Dynamics of charged particles and perpendicular diffusion in turbulent magnetic field, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 330, Doi:10.1007/s10509-011-0758-y, 2011.
158.Gui, Bin, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Correction of projection effect of CMEs in velocity: Comparing of Forward modeling method and simple angular correction method (Chinese Version), Chinese J. Space Sci., 31(2), 154-164, 2011.
157.Gui, Bin, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, The Forward Modeling Method of CME and Discussion about the Projection Modified Method, Chinese J. Space Sci., 31 (2), 154-164, 2011.
156.Xiao, F. L., He, Z. G., Zhang, S., Su, Z. P., and Chen, L. X., Diffusion simulation of outer radiation belt electron dynamics induced by superluminous L-O mode waves, Chinese Phys. Lett., 28, 039401, 2011.
155.Wang Bin, Wang C. B., Yoon P. H., and Wu C. S., Stochastic heating and acceleration of minor ions by Alfvén waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, Issue 10, CiteID L10103, 2011.
154.Su, Z. P., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., CRRES observation and STEERB simulation of the 9 October 1990 electron radiation belt dropout event, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L06106, 2011.
153.Shaikh, D., I. S. Veselovsky, Quanming Lu, and G. P. Zank, From micro- to macro-scales in the heliosphere and magnetospheres, in IAGA Special Sopron Book Series, the Sun, the solar wind, and the heliosphere, Volume 4, Part 5, 177-197, 2011.
152.Su, Z. P., Zheng, H. N., Chen, L. X., and Wang, S., Numerical simulations of storm-time outer radiation belt dynamics by wave-particle interactions including cross diffusion, J. Atoms. Sol.-Terres. Phys., 73, 95-105, 2011.
151.Xiao, F. L., Chen, L. X., He, Y. H., Su, Z. P., and Zheng, H. N., Modeling for precipitation loss of ring current protons by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, J. Atoms. Sol.-Terres. Phys., 73, 106-111, 2011.
150.Du, A. M., R. Nakamura, T. L. Zhang, E. Panov, W. Baumjohann, H. Luo, W. Y. Xu, Quanming Lu, M. Volwerk, A. Retino, B. Zieger, V. Angelopoulos, K. Glassmeier, J. McFadden, and D. Larson, Fast Tailward Flows in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer during a Substorm on March 9, 2008: THEMIS Observations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A03216, 2011.
149.Quanming Lu, L. C. Shan, C. L. Shen, T. L. Zhang, Y. R. Li, and S. Wang, Velocity distributions of superthermal electrons fitted with a power law function in the magnetosheath: Cluster observaions, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A03224, 2011.
148.Wu, M. Y., Quanming Lu, A. M. Du,, J. L. Xie,, and S. Wang, The evolution of the magnetic structures in electron phase-space holes: two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A10208, 2011.
147.Yang, Z. W, B. Lembege, and Quanming Lu, Impact of the nonstationarity of a supercritical perpendicular collisionless shock on the dynamics and energy spectra of pickup ions, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A08216, 2011.
146.Yang, Z. W., B. Lembege, and Quanming Lu, Acceleration of heavy ions by perpendicular collisionless shocks: Impact of the shock front nonstationarity, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A10202, 2011.
145.Quanming Lu, Lican Shan, Chenlong Shen, Tielong Zhang, Yiren Li, and Shui Wang, Velocity distributions of superthermal electrons fitted with a power law function in the magnetosheath: Cluster observations”, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A03224, doi:10.1029/2010JA016118, 2011.
144.Yuming Wang, Caixia Chen, Bin Gui, Chenglong Shen, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Statistical Study of CME Source Locations: I. Understanding CMEs Viewed in Coronagraphs, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A04104, 2011.
143.Caixia Chen, Yuming Wang, Chenglong Shen, Pinzhong Ye, Jie Zhang, and S. Wang, Statistical Study of Coronal Mass Ejection Source Locations: II. Role of Active Regions in CME Production, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A12108, 2011. (10.1029/2011JA016844)
142.Su, Z. P., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., Radiation belt electron dynamics driven by adiabatic transport, radial diffusion, and wave-particle interactions, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A04205, 2011.
141.Su, Z. P., Zong, Q.-G., Yue, C., Wang, Y. F., Zhang, H., and Zheng, H. N., Proton auroral intensification induced by interplanetary shock on 7 November 2004, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A08223, 2011.
140.Wang, C. R., Zong, Q.-G., Xiao, F. L., Su, Z. P., Wang, Y. F., and Yue, C., The relations between magnetospheric chorus and hiss inside and outside plasmasphere boundary layer: Cluster observation, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A07221, 2011.
139.Yuming Wang, Caixia Chen, Bin Gui, Chenglong Shen, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Statistical Study of Coronal Mass Ejection Source Locations: Understanding CMEs Viewed in Coronagraphs, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A04104, doi: 10.1029/2010JA016101, 2011.
138.F. Shen, X. S. Feng, Yuming Wang, S. T. Wu, W. B. Song, J. P. Guo, and Y. F. Zhou, Three-dimensional MHD simulations of two coronal mass ejections' propagation and Interaction Using a successive magnetized plasma blobs model, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A09103, doi:10.1029/2011JA016584, 2011.
137.Caixia Chen, Yuming Wang*, Chenglong Shen, Pinzhong Ye, Jie Zhang, and S. Wang, Statistical study of coronal mass ejection source locations: 2. Role of active regions in CME production, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 116, A12108, doi:10.1029/2011JA016844, 2011.
136.Du, A. M., M. Y. Wu, Quanming Lu, C. Huang, and S. Wang, Transverse instability and magnetic structures associated with electron phase space holes, Phys. Plasmas, 18, 032104, 2011.
135.Lu, S., Quanming Lu, X. Shao, P. H. Yoon, and S. Wang, Weibel Instability and structures of magnetic island in anti-parallel collisionless magnetic reconnection, Phys. Plasmas, 18, 072105, 2011.
134.Quanming Lu, X. L. Gao, and X. Li, Comment on “ Heating of ions by low-frequency Alfven waves in partially ionized plasmas” [Phys. Plasmas 18, 030702(2011)], Phys. Plasmas, 18, 084703, 2011.
133.Bin Gui, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, Jiajia Liu, and Shui Wang1, A Quantitative Analysis of the CME Deflections in the Corona, Sol. Phys., 271, 111 - 139, 2011.
132.Bin Gui, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang*, Pinzhong Ye, Jiajia Liu, Shui Wang, and Xuepu Zhao, Quantitative Analysis of CME Deflections in the Corona, Sol. Phys., 271, 111-139, doi:10.1007/s11207-011-9791-9, 2011.
131.Z. H. Pan, C. B. Wang, Yuming Wang, and X. H. Xue, Correlation analyses between the characteristic time of gradual solar energetic particle events and the properties of associated coronal mass ejections, Sol. Phys., 270, 593-607, doi:10.1007/s11207-011-9763-0, 2011.
130.Shen, Chenglong, Yuming Wang, Bin Gui, Pinzhong Ye, and Shui Wang, Kinematic Evolution of A Slow CME in Corona Viewed by STEREO-B on October 8, 2007, Sol. Phys., 269, 389-400,doi:0.1007/s11207-011-9715-8, 2011.
129.Rui Liu, Yan Xu, and Haimin Wang, A Revisit of the Masuda Flare, Sol. Phys., 269, 67-82, 2011. (
128.Shen, Chenglong, Yuming Wang, Bin Gui, Pinzhong Ye, and Shui Wang, Kinematic Evolution of A Slow CME in Corona Viewed by STEREO-B on October 8, 2007, Sol. Phys., 269, 389-400, 2011.
127.Pan, Z. H., Wang, C. B., Wang, Yuming, and Xue, X. H., Correlation Analyses Between the Characteristic Times of Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events and the Properties of Associated Coronal Mass Ejections, Sol. Phys., , DOI 10.1007/s11207-011-9763-0, 2011.
2010 Top
126.Xiao, F. L., Zong, Q.-G., Pu, Z. Y., Su, Z. P., Cao, J. B., He, J. S., Wang, Y. F., and Zheng, H. N., Electron acceleration by whistler-mode waves around the magnetic null during 3D reconnection, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 52, 052001, 2010.
125.Cheng-Long Shen, Jia Yao, Yu-Ming Wang, Pin-Zhong Ye, Xue-Pu Zhao, and Shui Wang, Influence of Coronal Holes on CMEs in Causing SEP Events, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA), 10, 1049-1060, 2010.
124.Xiao, F. L., Zong, Q.-G., Su, Z. P., Tian, T., and Zheng, H. N., Latest progress on interactions between VLF/ELF waves and energetic electrons in the inner magnetosphere, Sci. China Earth Sci., 53, 317, 2010.
123.Ding, J. Y., M. S. Madjarska, J. G. Doyle, and Quanming Lu, Chromospheric magnetic reconnection caused by photospheric flux emergence: implications for jet-like events formation, Astron. & Astrophys., 510, A111, 2010.
122.Jie Zhang, Yuming Wang, and Yang Liu, Statistical Properties of Solar Active Regions Obtained from an Automatic Detection System and the Computational Biases, Astrophys. J., 723, 1006-1018, 2010.
121.Li, X., Quanming Lu, Y. Chen, B. Li, and L. D. Xia, Kinetic Alfven wave and proton distribution function in the fast solar wind, Astrophys. J., 719, L190-L193, 2010.
120.Wang, Yuming, Hao Cao, Junhong Chen, Tengfei Zhang, Sijie Yu, Huinan Zheng, Chenglong Shen, Jie Zhang, and S. Wang, Solar LImb Prominence CAtcher & Tracker (SLIPCAT): An Automated System and Its Preliminary Statistical Results, Astrophys. J., 717(2), 973-986, 2010.
119.Wang, R. S., A. M. Du, Quanming Lu, X. D. Zhao, and H. Luo, Mid-tail magnetic reconnection triggering substorm: A case study, Chinese J. Geophys., 53, 1028-1033, 2010.
118.Yang, Z. W., Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Ion velocity distribution in a non-stationary perpendicular shock, Chinese Phys. Lett., 27, 019601, 2010.
117.Wu, M. Y., Wu, H., Quanming Lu, and B. S. Xue, The effects of perpendicular thermal velocities on the transverse instability in electron phase space holes, Chinese Phys. Lett., 27, 095201, 2010.
116.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, C. Huang, and S. Wang, Multispacecraft observation of electron pitch-angle distributions in magnetotail reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A01209, 2010.
115.Quanming Lu, L. H. Zhou, and S. Wang, Particle-in-cell simulations of whistler waves excited by an electron kappa distribution in space plasma, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A02213, 2010.
114.Li, X., and Quanming Lu, Heating and deceleration of minor ions in the extended fast solar wind by oblique Alfven waves, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A08105, 2010.
113.Wu, M. Y., Quanming Lu, C. Huang, and S. Wang, Transverse instability and perpendicular electric field in two-dimensional electron phase-space holes, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A10245, 2010.
112.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, X. Li, C. Huang, and S. Wang, Observations of energetic electrons up to 200 keV associated with a secondary island near the center of an ion diffusion region: A Cluster case study, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A11201, 2010.
111.Lu, Q. M., C. Huang, J. L. Xie, R. S. Wang, M. Y. Wu, A. Vaivads, and S. Wang, Features of separatrix regions in magnetic reconnection: Comparison of 2D particle-in-cell simulations and Cluster observations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A11208, 2010.
110.Xiao, F. L., Su, Z. P., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., Three-dimensional simulations of outer radiation belt electron dynamics including cross diffusion terms, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A05216, 2010.
109.Su, Z. P., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., STEERB: A three-dimensional code for storm-time evolution of electron radiation belt, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A09208, 2010.
108.Su, Z. P., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., A parametric study on the diffuse auroral precipitation by resonant interaction with whistler-mode chorus, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A05219, 2010.
107.Su, Z. P., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., Three dimensional simulation of energetic outer zone electron dynamics due to wave-particle interaction and azimuthal advection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A06203, 2010.
106.Xiao, F. L., Su, Z. P., Chen, L. X., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., A parametric study on outer radiation belt electron evolution by superluminous R-X mode waves, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A10217, 2010.
105.Su, Z. P., Xiao, F. L., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., Combined radial diffusion and adiabatic transport of radiation belt electrons with arbitrary pitch-angles, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 115, A10249, 2010.
104.Huang, C., Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, The mechanisms of electron acceleration in anti-parallel and guide field magnetic reconnection, Phys. Plasmas, 17, 072306, 2010.
103.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, A. M. Du, and S. Wang, In situ observations of a secondary magnetic island in an ion diffusion region and associated energetic electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 175003, 2010.
2009 Top
102.Quanming Lu, Z. W. Yang, B. Lembege, and S. Wang, Ion acceleration in non-stationary shocks, AIP Conference Proceeding: Shock waves in Space and Astrophysical Environments, 1183, 39-46, 2009.
101.Chen Tingdi, Xue Xianghui, and Dou Xiankang, A Mie-Rayleigh-Soudim Fluorescence Lidar system for atmospheric detecting, Advances in Geosciences: Atmospheric Science (AS)-v.10, , 2009. (Editors: J. H. Oh, Gyan Prakash Singh, Publisher: World Scientific Pub Co Inc), , 2009.
100.Xiankang Dou, Xianghui Xue (Corresponding Author), Tingdi Chen, Weixing Wan, Xuewu Cheng, Tao Li, Cao Chen, Shican Qiu, and Zeyu Chen, A statistical study of sporadic sodium layer observed at Hefei, Ann. Geophys., 27, 2247-2257, 2009.
99.Quanming Lu, Xing Li, and C. F. Dong, Ion Pickup by intrinic low-frequency Alfven waves with a spectrum, Chinese Physics B, 18, 2101, 2009.
98.Huang, C., R. S. Wang, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Electron density hole and quadruple structure of By during collisionless magnetic reconnection, Chinese Science Bulletins, 54, 3852-3857, 2009.
97.Guo, J., Z. W. Yang, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, The nonlinear evolution of ion cyclotron waves in the Earth's magnetosheath, Plasma Sci. & Tech., 11, 274-278, 2009.
96.Quanming Lu, Q. Hu, and G. P. Zank, The interaction of Alfven waves with perpendicular shock, Astrophys. J., 706, 687-692, 2009.
95.Quanming Lu, and Liu Chen, Ion Heating by a spectrum of obliquely propagating low-frequency Alfven waves, Astrophys. J., 704, 743-749, 2009.
94.Su, Z. P., Xiong, M., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., Propagation of interplanetary shock and its consequent geoeffectiveness, Chinese J. Geophys., 52, 591-598, 2009.
93.Xiao, F. L., Tian, T., Chen, L. X., Su, Z. P., and Zheng, H. N., Evolution of ring current protons induced by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, Chinese Phys. Lett., 26, 119401, 2009.
92.Su, Z. P. and Zheng, H. N., Resonant scattering of relativistic outer zone electrons by plasmaspheric plume electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, Chinese Phys. Lett., 26, 129401, 2009.
91.Su, Z. P., Zheng, H. N., and Xiong, M., Dynamic evolution of outer radiation belt electrons due to whistler-mode chorus, Chinese Phys. Lett., 26, 039401, 2009.
90.Ming Xiong, Zhong Peng, Youqiu Hu, and Huinan Zheng, Response of the Earth's Magnetosphere and Ionosphere to Solar Wind Driver and Ionosphere Load: Results of Global MHD Simulations, Chinese Phys. Lett., 26, 015202, 2009.
89.Xiankang Dou, Tao Li, Jiyao Xu, Hanli Liu, Xianghui Xue, Shui Wang, T. Leblanc, I. S.McDermid, A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, C. Heinselman, W. Steinbrecht, M. G. Mlynczak, and J. M. Russell, Seasonal oscillations of middle atmosphere temperature observed by Rayleigh lidars and their comparisons with TIMED/SABER observations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 114,D20103, doi:10.1029/2008JD011654., 2009.
88.Yuming Wang, Jie Zhang, and Chenglong Shen, An analytical model probing the internal state of coronal mass ejections based on observations of their expansions and propagations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 114, A10104, doi:10.1029/2009JA014360, 2009.
87.Yang, Z. W., Quanming Lu, B. Lembege, S. Wang, Shock front nonstationarity and ion acceleration in supercritical perpendicular shock, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 114, A03111, 2009.
86.Liu, C. X., S. P. Jin, F. S. Wei, Quanming Lu, and H. A. Yang, Plasmoid-like structures in multiple X line Hall MHD reconnection, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 114, A10208, 2009.
85.Su, Z. P., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., Dynamic evolution of energetic outer zone electrons due to whistler-mode chorus based on a realistic density model, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 114, A07201, 2009.
84.Su, Z. P., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., Evolution of electron pitch angle distribution due to interactions with whistler-mode chorus following substorm injections, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 114, A08202, 2009.
83.Xiao, F. L., Su, Z. P., Zheng, H. N., and Wang, S., Modeling of outer radiation belt electrons by multi-dimensional diffusion process, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 114, A03201, 2009.
82.Ming Xiong, Huinan Zheng, and Shui Wang, Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the interaction between two interplanetary magnetic clouds and its consequent geoeffectiveness: 2. Oblique collision, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 114, A11101, doi:10.1029/2009JA014079, 2009.
81.Quanming Lu, Anmin Du, and Xing Li, Two-dimensional hybrid simulations of the oblique electromagnetic alpha/proton instability in the solar wind, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 042901, 2009.
80.Yang, Z. W., Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, The evolution of the electric field at a nonstationary perpendicular shock, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 124502, 2009.
79.Wang, C.B. and Wu, C. S., Pseudoheating of protons in the presence of Alfvénic turbulence, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 020703, 2009.
78.Wu C.S., Yoon P.H., and Wang C.B., On nonresonant proton heating via intrinsic Alfvénic turbulence, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 054503, 2009.
77.Wang Bin and Wang CB (Corresponding Author), Heating rate of ions via nonresonant interaction with turbulent Alfvén waves with ionization and recombination, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 2009.
76.Yoon, PH, Wang, CB, and Wu, CS, Pitch-angle diffusion of ions via nonresonant interaction with Alfvénic turbulence, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 102102, 2009.
2008 Top
75.Quanming Lu, Q. Hu, and G. P. zank, The interaction between Alfven waves and perpendoicular shocks, AIP proceedings:Particle Acceleration and Transport in the Heliosphere and Beyond, 1039, 321-326, 2008.
74.Quanming Lu, S. S. Mao, X. L. Mao, and R. E. Russo, Theory analysis of wavelength dependence of laser-induced phase explosion of silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 083301, 2008.
73.Tingdi CHEN, Xiankang DOU, and Xianghui XUE, Backscattering coefficient model and its application in rain rate retrival, Specify the Journal, 23, 803, 2008.
72.Xianghui Xue,, Weixing Wan, Jiangang Xiong, and Xiankang Dou, The characteristics of the semi-diurnal tides in mesosphere/low-thermosphere (MLT) during 2002 at Wuhan (30.6oN, 114.4oE) -using Canonical Correlation Analysis technique, Adv. Space Res., 9, 1415-1422, 2008.
71.Yuming Wang and Jie Zhang, A Statistical Study on Solar Active Regions Producing Extremely Fast Coronal Mass Ejections, Astrophys. J., 680, 1516, 2008.
70.Yang, Z. W., Quanming Lu, J. Guo, and S. Wang, Mechanism of ion acceleration at perpendicular collisionless shocks, Chinese J. Geophys., 51, 953-959, 2008.
69.Guo, F., Quanming Lu, J. Guo, and S. Wang, Nonlinear evolution of lower-hybrid drift instability in Harris current sheet, Chinese Phys. Lett., 25, 2725-2728, 2008.
68.Wang, R. S., Quanming Lu, J. Guo, and S. Wang, Spatial distribution of energetic electrons during magnetic reconnection, Chinese Phys. Lett., 25, 3083-3085, 2008.
67.SU Zhen-Peng and ZHENG Hui-Nan, Simulation of Resonant Interaction Between Energetic Electrons and Whistler-mode Chorus In the Outer Radiation Belt, Chinese Phys. Lett., 25, 4493, 2008.
66.Huinan Zheng, Z. P. Su, and Ming Xiong, Pitch angle distribution evolution of energetic electrons by whistler-mode chorus, Chinese Phys. Lett., 25, 3515-3518, 2008.
65.Fuliang Xiao, C. L. Shen, Yuming Wang, Huinan Zheng, and S. Wang, Energetic electrons distribution fitted with a relativistic kappa-type function at geosynchronous orbit, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 113, A05203, doi:10.1029/2007JA012903, 2008.
64.Quanming Lu, B. Lembege, J. B. Tao, and S. Wang, Perpendicular electric field in two-dimensional electron phase-holes: a parameter study, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 113, A11219, 2008.
63.Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Enhancement of Solar Energetic Particles During A Shock-Magnetic Cloud Interacting Complex Structure, Sol. Phys., 252, 409-418, 2008.
2007 Top
62.Wang, D. Y, and Quanming Lu, Electron surfing acceleration by electrostatic waves in current sheet, Astrophys. Space Sci., 312, 103-111, 2007.
61.Wang, D. Y, and Quanming Lu, Electron surfing acceleration in a current sheet by perpendicular electrostatic waves, Adv. Space Res., 39, 1473-1475, 2007.
60.Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, X. P. Zhao, Bin Gui, and S. Wang, Strength of Coronal Mass Ejection-Driven Shocks Near the Sun, and Its Importance in Predicting Solar Energetic Particle Events, Astrophys. J., 670, 849-856, doi:10.1086/521716, 2007.
59.Yuming Wang and Jie Zhang, A Comparative Study between Eruptive X-class Flares Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections and Confined X-class Flares, Astrophys. J., 665, 1428, 2007.
58.Li, X., Quanming Lu, and B. Li, Ion pickup by finite amplitude parallel propagate Alfven waves, Astrophys. J., 661, L105-L108, 2007.
57.XIA Qian (夏倩), SHEN Chenglong (申成龙), WANG Yuming (汪毓明), and YE Pinzhong (叶品中), Role of Expansion Velocity of Magnetic Clouds in Flux Rope Model, Chinese J. Space Sci., 27(4), 271-278, 2007.
56.Guo, J., and Quanming Lu, Effetcs of ion-to-electron mass ratio on electron dynamics in collisionless magnetic reconnection, Chinese Phys. Lett., 24, 3199-3202, 2007.
55.Ming Xiong, Huinan Zheng, S. T. Wu, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the Interaction between Two Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds and its Consequent Geoeffectiveness, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 112, A11103, doi:10.1029/2007JA012320, 2007.
54.Yuming Wang, Chenglong Shen, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Comparison of Space Weather Effects of Two Major Coronal Mass Ejections in Late 2003, J. Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China, 37(8), 859-867, 2007.
53.陈廷娣, 薛向辉, and 窦贤康, 合肥上空钠层夜间激光雷达观测的初步研究, J. Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China, 37, 873-878, 2007.
52.Yoon PH,, Wang CB,, and Wu CS, Ring-beam driven maser instability for quasiperpendicular shocks, Phys. Plasmas, 14(2), Art. No. 022901, 2007.
51.Quanming Lu, and X. Li, Heating of ions by low-frequency Alfven waves, Phys. Plasmas, 14, 042303, 2007.
50.Guiping Zhou, Jingxiu Wang, Yuming Wang, and Yuzong Zhang, Quasi-simultaneous Flux Emergence in the Events of October/November 2003, Sol. Phys., 244, 13-24, 2007.
49.Wang, Yuming, Pinzhong Ye, and Shui Wang, The dependence of the geoeffectiveness of interplanetary flux rope on its orientation, with possible application to geomagnetic storm prediction, Sol. Phys., 240, 373-386, 2007.
2006 Top
48.Zhou, Guiping, Yuming Wang, and Jingxiu Wang, Coronal mass ejections associated with polar crown filaments, Adv. Space Res., 38(3), 466-469, 2006.
47.Yuming Wang, Guiping Zhou, Pinzhong Ye, S. Wang, and Jingxiu Wang, A Study on The Orientation of Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds and Solar Filaments, Astrophys. J., 651, 1245-1255, 2006.
46.Wang, Yuming, Xianghui Xue, Chenglong Shen, Pinzhong Ye, S. Wang, and Jie Zhang, Impact of major coronal mass ejections on geospace during 2005 September 7 - 13, Astrophys. J., 646, 625-633, 2006.
45.Shen, Chenglong, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Is There Any Evident Effect of Coronal Holes on Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events?, Astrophys. J., 639, 510-515, 2006.
44.Quanming Lu, C. S. Wu, and S. Wang, The nearly isotropic velocity distributions of energetic electrons in the solar wind, Astrophys. J., 638, 1169-1175, 2006.
43.Shen, Cheng-Long, Yu-Ming Wang, Pin-Zhong Ye, and Shui Wang, Analysis of typical events of coronal holes against the formation of solar energetic particle events, Chinese J. Geophys., 49(3), 629-635, 2006.
42.Zheng HN,, Zhang YY,, Wang S,, Wang CB,, and Li Y, Propagation of fast magnetoacoustic waves in stratified solar atmosphere, Chinese Phys. Lett., 23 (2):, 399-402, 2006.
41.Xianghui Xue, Weixing Wan, Jiangang,Xiong, and Xiankang Dou, Diurnal tides in mesosphere/low-thermosphere (MLT) during 2002 at Wuhan using Canonical Correlation Analysis, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JD007490, 2006.
40.M. Xiong, H. N. Zheng, Yuming Wang, and S. Wang, Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the interaction between interplanetary strong shock and magnetic cloud and its consequent geoeffectiveness, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 111, A08105, doi:10.1029/2005JA011593, 2006.
39.Xiong, Ming, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the Interaction between Interplanetary Strong Shock and Magnetic Cloud and its Consequent Geoeffectiveness 2: Oblique Collision, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 111, A11102, doi:10.1029/2006JA011901, 2006.
38.Quanming Lu., L. D. Xia, and S. Wang, Hybrid simulations of parallel and oblique electromagnetic alpha/proton instabilities in the solar wind, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 111, A09101, 2006.
37.Quanming Lu, F. Guo, and S. Wang, Magnetic spectral signatures in the terrestrial plasma depletion layer:hybrid simulations, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 111, 04207, 2006.
36.Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Electromagnetic waves downstream of quasi-perpendicular shocks, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 111, A05204, 2006.
35.X. R. Fu, Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, The process of electron acceleration during collisionless magnetic, Phys. Plasmas, 13, 012309, 2006.
34.Wang CB,, Wu CS,, and Yoon PH, Heating of ions by Alfven waves via nonresonant interactions, Phys. Rev. Lett., 96 (12):, Art. No. 125001, 2006.
33.Wu, C. S., C. B. Wang, and Quanming Lu, Density depletion in coronal flux tube associated with solar radio emission, Sol. Phys., 235, 317-329, 2006.
2005 Top
32.Chen YP,, Wang CB,, and Zhou GC, Maser instability driven by an electron beam with losscone-beam distribution, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 54 (7):, 3221-3227, 2005.
31.Wang, Y., H. Zheng, S. Wang, and P. Ye, MHD simulation of the formation and propagation of multiple magnetic clouds in the heliosphere, Astron. & Astrophys., 434, 309-316, 2005. (Figure 2 is adopted as the cover page.)
30.Wu CS,, Wang CB,, Zhou GC,, and et al., Altitude-dependent emission of type III solar radio bursts, Astrophys. J., 621 (2):, 1129-1136 Part 1, 2005.
29.Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Proton and He2+ Temperature Anisotropies in the Solar wind driven by ion cyclotron waves, Chinese J. Astron. & Astrophys., 5(2), 184-192, 2005.
28.熊明(Xiong, Ming), 郑惠南(Hui-Nan Zheng), 汪毓明(Yu-Ming Wang), 傅向荣(Xiang-Rong Fu), 王水(Shui Wang), and 窦贤康(Xian-Kang Dou), A numerical simulation on the solar-terrestrial transit time of successive CMEs during 4-5 November 1998, Chinese J. Geophys., 48(4), 805-813, 2005.
27.Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, Formation of He2+ shell-like distributions downstream of the Earth's bow shock, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L03111, 2005.
26.Wang, Yuming, Guiping Zhou, Pinzhong Ye, S. Wang, and Jingxiu Wang, Orientation and geoeffectiveness of magnetic clouds as consequences of filament eruptions, in Coronal and Stellar Mass Ejections, Proceedings of IAU symposium No. 226, , edited by K. P. Dere, J. Wang, and Y. Yan, p. 448-453, (Beijing, China, September 13-17, 2004), 2005.
25.Quanming Lu, D. Y. Wang, and S. Wang, Generation mechanism of electrostatic solitary structures in the Earth’s auroral region, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 110, A03223, 2005.
24.X. H. Xue, C. B. Wang, and X. K. Dou, An ice-cream cone model for coronal mass ejections, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 110, A08103, doi:10.1029/2004JA010698, 2005.
23.WANG, Yu-Ming and Shui WANG, Comprehensive Studies on Magnetic Clouds in Interplanetary Space and Their Associated Events, J. Grad. School of CAS, 22(2), 248-254, 2005.
22.Xue, X. H., Yuming Wang, P. Z. Ye, S. Wang, and M. Xiong, Analysis on the interplanetary causes of the great magnetic storms in solar maximum (2000-2001), Planet. & Space Sci., 53, 443-457, 2005.
21.Wang, Yuming, Pinzhong Ye, Guiping Zhou, Shujuan Wang, S. Wang, Yihua Yan, and Jingxiu Wang, The interplanetary responses to the great solar activities in late October 2003, Sol. Phys., 226, 337-357, 2005.
20.Wang, Yuming, Chenglong Shen, Pinzhong Ye, and S. Wang, Effect of coronal holes on gradual solar energetic particle events, Proceedings of Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, EAS SP PUBL 592, 461-464 (Whistler, Canada, June 12-17), 2005.
2004 Top
19.Wang, Y.-M., P.-Z. Ye, and S. Wang, An interplanetary origin of great geomagnetic storms: Multiple magnetic clouds, Chinese J. Geophys., 47(3), 369-375, 2004.
18.Guo, Jun, Quan-Ming Lu, Shui Wang, Yu-Ming Wang, and Xian-Kang Dou, Whistler mode waves in collisionless magnetic reconnection, Chinese Phys. Lett., 21(7), 1306-1309, 2004.
17.Quanming Lu, L. Q. Wang, Y. Zhou, and S. Wang, Electromagnetic instabilities excited by electron temperature anisotropy, Chinese Phys. Lett., 21, 129-132, 2004.
16.Wang, D. Y., G. L. Huang, and Quanming Lu, Effect of electron drift velocity on whistler instability in collisionless magnetic reconnection, Chinese Phys. Lett., 21, 1997-2000, 2004.
15.Quanming Lu, and S. Wang, , Phys. Plasmas, 11(1), 80-89, 2004.
14.Wang, Yuming, Chenglong Shen, S. Wang, and Pinzhong Ye, Deflection of coronal mass ejection in the interplanetary medium, Sol. Phys., 222, 329-343, 2004.
2003 Top
13.Quanming Lu, V. Getov, and S. Wang, Using Java for plasma PIC simulations, Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'03), , 137-143, 2003.
12.Quanming Lu, and V. Getov, Mixed-language high-performance computing for plasma simulations, Scientific Programming, 11, 57-66, 2003.
11.叶品中(Ye, Pin-Zhong) and 汪毓明(Yu-Ming Wang), A study on the Bs events in interplanetary space and the associated CMEs in 2000 (Chinese version), Chinese J. Space Sci., 23, 7-17, 2003.
10.汪毓明(Wang, Yuming), 叶品中(Pinzhong Ye), and 王水(Shui Wang), Magnetic cloud in interplanetary space (Chinese version), Progress in Astron., 21(4), 301-317, 2003.
9.Wang, Yuming, C. L. Shen, S. Wang, and P. Z. Ye, An empirical formula relating the geomagnetic storm's intensity to the interplanetary parameters: -VBz and Δt, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(20), 2039, doi:10.1029/2003GL017901, 2003.
8.Wang, Y. M., P. Z. Ye, S. Wang, and X. H. Xue, An interplanetary cause of large geomagnetic storms: Fast forward shock overtaking preceding magnetic cloud, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(13), 1700, doi:10.1029/2002GL016861, 2003.
7.Wang, Y. M., P. Z. Ye, and S. Wang, Multiple magnetic clouds: Several examples during March - April, 2001, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 108(A10), 1370, doi:10.1029/2003JA009850, 2003.
6.Wang CB,, Chao JK,, and Lin CH, Influence of the solar wind dynamic pressure on the decay and injection of the ring current, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 108 (A9):, Art. No. 1341, 2003.
5.Wang CB, and Chao JK, Comment on "Effects of fast and slow solar wind on the correlation between interplanetary medium and geomagnetic activity" by P. Ballatore, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 108 (A10):, Art. No. 1386, 2003.
4.Lou, Y.-Q., Y.-M. Wang, Z. Fan, S. Wang, and J. Wang, Periodicities in solar coronal mass ejections, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 345, 809-818, 2003.
3.Quanming Lu, Thermodynamic evolution of phase explosion during high-power nanosecond laser ablation, Phys. Rev. E, 67, 016410, 2003.
2.Wang, Y. M., P. Z. Ye, S. Wang, and M. Xiong, Theoretical analysis on the geoeffectiveness of a shock overtaking a preceding magnetic cloud, Sol. Phys., 216, 295-310, 2003.
1.Wang, J., G. Zhou, Y. Wang, and L. Song, Circular polarization in a solar filament, Sol. Phys., 216, 143-157, 2003.

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