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Solar LImb Prominence CAtcher & Tracker (SLIPCAT)

Monthly Catalogs (Switch to Daily Movies), Selected Events, Eruptive Prominences
  • SLIPCAT is running under a new set of calculation parameters for the STEREO data after January 2010 due to the increasing level of solar activity.
  • A catalog for STEREO-A data is being generated.


SLIPCAT is an automated system developed by the STEP Team at USTC.
If you want to learn more about SLIPCAT and cite some papers in your researches related to SLIPCAT, refer to the following paper:
  • How does SLIPCAT work and the preliminary statisitical properties of prominences:
    Yuming Wang, Hao Cao, Junhong Chen, Tengfei Zhang, Sijie Yu, Huinan Zheng, Chenglong Shen, Jie Zhang, and S. Wang, Solar LImb Prominence CAtcher & Tracker (SLIPCAT): An Automated System and Its Preliminary Statistical Results, ApJ, 717(2), 973-986, 2010 (download at arXiv or local).
  • About Eruptive Prominences:
    Kai Liu, Yuming Wang*, Chenglong Shen, and S. Wang, Critical Height for the Destabilization of Solar Prominences: Statistical Results from STEREO Observations, ApJ, 744, 168(10pp), 2012 (download at arXiv).
We acknowledge the use of the data from STEREO/SECCHI (
This project is supported by the grants from NFSC (40525014), the 973 program (2006CB806304), etc.
Comments or questions should be addressed to Yuming Wang. Also, you may leave your thoughts here.

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