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2009 Top
12.Ming Xiong, Huinan Zheng, and Shui Wang, Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the interaction between two interplanetary magnetic clouds and its consequent geoeffectiveness: 2. Oblique collision, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 114, A11101, doi:10.1029/2009JA014079, 2009-11. [(2.25MB)]
11.Z. P. Su, Ming Xiong, Huinan Zheng, and S. Wang, Propagation of interplanetary shock and its consequent geoeffectiveness, Chinese J. Geophys., 52, 2009-03. [(1.76MB)]
10.Z. P. Su, Huinan Zheng, and Ming Xiong, Dynamic evolution of outer radiation belt electrons due to whistler-mode chorus, Chinese Phys. Lett., 26, 039401, 2009-03. [(1.55MB)]
9.Ming Xiong, Zhong Peng, Youqiu Hu, and Huinan Zheng, Response of the Earth's Magnetosphere and Ionosphere to Solar Wind Driver and Ionosphere Load: Results of Global MHD Simulations, Chinese Phys. Lett., 26, 015202, 2009-01. [(221.2KB)]
2008 Top
8.Huinan Zheng, Z. P. Su, and Ming Xiong, Pitch angle distribution evolution of energetic electrons by whistler-mode chorus, Chinese Phys. Lett., 25, 3515-3518, 2008-09. [(531.6KB)]
2007 Top
7.Ming Xiong, Numerical MHD Simulation of the Dynamics and Geoeffectiveness of Some Interplanetary Compound Structures, Ph.D Dissertation, , 2007-06. [(21.81MB)]
6.Ming Xiong, Huinan Zheng, S. T. Wu, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the interaction between two interplanetary magnetic clouds and its consequent geoeffectiveness, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 112, A11103, doi:10.1029/2007JA012320, 2007-05. [(12.95MB)]
2006 Top
5.Ming Xiong, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the interaction between interplanetary strong shock and magnetic cloud and its consequent geoeffectiveness: 2. Oblique collision, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 111, A11102, doi:10.1029/2006JA011901, 2006-11. [(4.51MB)]
4.Ming Xiong, Huinan Zheng, Yuming Wang, and Shui Wang, Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the interaction between interplanetary strong shock and magnetic cloud and its consequent geoeffectiveness, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 111, A08105, doi:10.1029/2005JA011593, 2006-08. [(4.88MB)]
2005 Top
3.Ming Xiong, Hui-Nan Zheng, Yu-Ming Wang, Xiang-Rong Fu, Shui Wang, and Xian-Kang Dou, A numerical simulation on the solar-terrestrial transit time of successive CMEs during November 4-5, 1998, Chinese J. Geophys., 48, 805-813, 2005-07. [(382.4KB), (596KB)]
2.X. H. Xue, Yuming Wang, P. Z. Ye, S. Wang, and M. Xiong, Analysis on the interplanetary causes of the great magnetic storms in solar maximum (2000¨C2001), Planet. & Space Sci., 53, 443-457, 2005-03. [(2.48MB)]
2003 Top
1.Y. M. Wang, P. Z. Ye, S. Wang, and M. Xiong, Theoretical analysis on the geoeffectiveness of a shock overtaking a preceding magnetic cloud, Sol. Phys., 216, 295-310, 2003-06. [(268KB)]

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