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2015 Top
34.Wang, C. B., A Scenario for the Fine Structures of Solar Type IIIb Radio Bursts Based on Electron Cyclotron Maser Emission, Astrophys. J., 806, 34, 2015-06. [(563.2KB)]
33.Wu, C. S.; Yoon, P. H.; Wang, C. B., A theory of heating of quiet solar corona, Phys. Plasmas, 22, 032901, 2015-03. [(711.2KB)]
32.Zhao, G. Q.; Wu, D. J.; Wang, C. B., A study of line widths and kinetic parameters of ions in the solar corona, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 353, 373, 2015-02. [(339.9KB)]
2014 Top
31.Wu, C. S.; Yoon, P. H.; Wang, C. B., Ion temperature in plasmas with intrinsic Alfven waves, Phys. Plasmas, 21, 104507, 2014-10. [(338.3KB)]
30.Dmitriev, A. V., Suvorova, A. V., Chao, J. K., Wang, C. B., Rastaetter, L., Panasyuk, M. I. & Myagkova, I. N., Anomalous dynamics of the extremely compressed magnetosphere during 21 January 2005 magnetic storm, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 10.1002/2013JA019534, 2014-07. [(3.53MB)]
29.Su, ZP et al., Intense duskside lower band chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Generation and potential acceleration effect on radiation belt electrons, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., , 2014-06.
28.Wang, C. B.; Wang, Bin; Lee, L. C., Compound Effect of Alfven Waves and Ion-Cyclotron Waves on Heating/Acceleration of Minor Ions via the Pickup Process, Sol. Phys., 289, 2014-06. [(2.81MB)]
2013 Top
27.Wang Chuan-Bing; Wei Jing-Dong; Wang Bin; Wang Shui, Physical Process for the Pick-Up of Minor Ions by Low-Frequency Alfven Waves, Chinese Phys. Lett., 30, 2013-05. [(1.55MB)]
26.Weng, C. J.; Lee, L. C.; Kuo, C. L.; Wang, C. B., Effects of ion-neutral collisions on Alfven waves: The presence of forbidden zone and heavy damping zone, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 2013-03. [(1.89MB)]
2012 Top
25.Wu, C. S.; Wang, C. B.; Wu, D. J.; Lee, K. H., Resonant wave-particle interactions modified by intrinsic Alfvenic turbulence, Phys. Plasmas, 19, 2012-08. [(801.3KB)]
2011 Top
24.Wang Bin, Wang C. B., Yoon P. H., and Wu C. S., Stochastic heating and acceleration of minor ions by Alfv¨¦n waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, Issue 10, CiteID L10103, 2011-06. [(1.8MB)]
23.Pan, Z. H., Wang, C. B., Wang, Yuming, and Xue, X. H., Correlation Analyses Between the Characteristic Times of Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events and the Properties of Associated Coronal Mass Ejections, Sol. Phys., , DOI 10.1007/s11207-011-9763-0, 2011-06. [(579.7KB)]
22.Wu Ji, Sun Weiying, Zheng Jianhua, Zhang Cheng, Liu Hao, Yan Jingye, Wang Chi, Wang Chuanbing, and Wang Shui, Imaging interplanetary CMEs at radio frequency from solar polar orbit, Adv. Space Res., , doi:10.1016/j.asr.2011.05.001, 2011-06. [(1.08MB)]
2009 Top
21.Yoon, PH, Wang, CB, and Wu, CS, Pitch-angle diffusion of ions via nonresonant interaction with Alfv¨¦nic turbulence, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 102102, 2009-10. [(209.4KB)]
20.Wang Bin and Wang CB (Corresponding Author), Heating rate of ions via nonresonant interaction with turbulent Alfv¨¦n waves with ionization and recombination, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 2009-08. [(2.57MB)]
19.Wu C.S., Yoon P.H., and Wang C.B., On nonresonant proton heating via intrinsic Alfv¨¦nic turbulence, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 054503, 2009-05. [(71.3KB)]
18.Wang, C.B. and Wu, C. S., Pseudoheating of protons in the presence of Alfv¨¦nic turbulence, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 020703, 2009-02. [(2.06MB)]
2007 Top
17.Yoon PH,, Wang CB,, and Wu CS, Ring-beam driven maser instability for quasiperpendicular shocks, Phys. Plasmas, 14(2), Art. No. 022901, 2007-02. [(230.5KB)]
2006 Top
16.Wu CS,, Wang CB,, and Lu QM, Density depletion in a coronal flux tube associated with solar radio emission, Sol. Phys., 235 (1-2):, 317-329, 2006-05. [(207.3KB)]
15.Wang CB,, Wu CS,, and Yoon PH, Heating of ions by Alfven waves via nonresonant interactions, Phys. Rev. Lett., 96 (12):, Art. No. 125001, 2006-03. [(234.3KB)]
14.Zheng HN,, Zhang YY,, Wang S,, Wang CB,, and Li Y, Propagation of fast magnetoacoustic waves in stratified solar atmosphere, Chinese Phys. Lett., 23 (2):, 399-402, 2006-02. [(263.2KB)]
2005 Top
13.Xue XH,, Wang CB (Corresponding Author), and Dou XK, An ice-cream cone model for coronal mass ejections, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 110 (A8):, Art. No. A08103, 2005-08. [(706.1KB)]
12.Chen YP,, Wang CB,, and Zhou GC, Maser instability driven by an electron beam with losscone-beam distribution, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 54 (7):, 3221-3227, 2005-07. [(593.7KB)]
11.Wu CS,, Wang CB,, Zhou GC,, and et al., Altitude-dependent emission of type III solar radio bursts, Astrophys. J., 621 (2):, 1129-1136 Part 1, 2005-03. [(284.7KB)]
2003 Top
10.Wang CB, and Chao JK, Comment on "Effects of fast and slow solar wind on the correlation between interplanetary medium and geomagnetic activity" by P. Ballatore, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 108 (A10):, Art. No. 1386, 2003-10. [(277.7KB)]
9.Wang CB,, Chao JK,, and Lin CH, Influence of the solar wind dynamic pressure on the decay and injection of the ring current, J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 108 (A9):, Art. No. 1341, 2003-09. [(967.7KB)]
2002 Top
8.Wang CB,, Zhao JK,, Cheng HH,, and et al., Prediction of the IMF B-z using 3-D kinematic code, Chinese J. Geophys., 45 (6):, 749-758, 2002-11. [(341.9KB)]
7.Yoon PH,, Wu CS,, and Wang CB, Generation of type III solar radio bursts in the low corona by direct amplification. II. Further numerical study, Astrophys. J., 576 (1):, 552-560 Part 1, 2002-09. [(879.5KB)]
6.Wu CS,, Wang CB,, Yoon PH,, and et al., Generation of type III solar radio bursts in the low corona by direct amplification, Astrophys. J., 575 (2):, 1094-1103 Part 1, 2002-08. [(343.7KB)]
2001 Top
5.Wang CB, and Wang S, Pressure influences on the coupling of double tearing mode in a multiple current sheet, Chinese J. Geophys., 44 (2):, 145-153, 2001-03. [(336.1KB)]
2000 Top
4.Wang CB,, Zheng HN,, and Wang S, Numerical studies on the formation of magnetic loops, Specify the Journal, 34 (2):, 317-320, 2000-09. [(309.5KB)]
3.Wang CB, and Li D, Influence of higher order toroidicity on coupling of tearing modes, Specify the Journal, 8 (12):, 908-912, DEC 1999, 2000-02. [(644.9KB)]
2.Wang CB and Wang S, COUPLING OF DOUBLE TEARING MODE IN A MULTIPLE CURRENT SHEET, Chinese J. Geophys., 41(5):, 591-600, SEP., 1998, 2000-02. [(644.9KB)]
1.Li D, and Wang CB, INFLUENCE OF POLOIDAL ROTATION ON THE TOROIDALLY COUPLED TEARING MODE, Phys. Plasmas, 2 (4):, 1026-1028, APR 1995, 2000-01.

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